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Disease relevance of Coma


Psychiatry related information on Coma


High impact information on Coma


Chemical compound and disease context of Coma

  • The frequency of hypoglycaemia (blood glucose below 2.2 mmol/l) did not differ significantly between malarial and control patients (5.2% vs 11.2%) nor between the comatose (11.1% vs 18.8%) and conscious (1.6% vs 7.0%) malarial and control subgroups [12].
  • Since the average number of hours from the beginning of vomiting to admission was no different in non-comatose and comatose cases, the time at which salicylate concentration was measured in relation to the last dose was probably similar in the two groups and therefore does not account for the higher levels in children with poor outcome [13].
  • In two of these cases, status seizures were stopped by intravenous pyridoxine administration, but the patients remained comatose for prolonged periods [14].
  • Combined infusion of high doses of lidocaine and thiopental in a comatose patient induced major latency and amplitude BAEP changes, which progressed to complete BAEP abolition [15].
  • The patient remained in a comatose state for 4 days but then showed dramatic improvement in his neurological status following continuous i.v. infusion of thymidine at 8 g/m2/day [16].

Biological context of Coma

  • The TRAN group had a higher Injury Severity Score (ISS) (17.5 versus 11.0, P < 0.05), lower Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) (13.3 versus 14.1, P < 0.05), lower initial systolic blood pressure (SBP) (130 versus 140, P< 0.05), and higher mortality (10% versus 79%, P < 0.05) than the DIR group [17].
  • Partial OTC deficiency also occurs in females and can be responsible for life-threatening hyperammonemic comas in heterozygotes [18].
  • Median nerve somatosensory evoked potentials and the Glasgow Coma Scale as predictors of outcome in comatose patients with head injuries [19].
  • After initiation of treatment with acyclovir in the early stage of the disease, the outcomes in both patients were characterized by good general recovery with persistence of deficits of speech, mastication, and swallowing, more pronounced in the patient who was comatose during the illness [20].
  • In an attempt to examine the relationship between growth hormone (GH) and periarticular new bone formation (PNBF), we studied eight patients with brain lesions of different origins who were in a prolonged comatose state for 164 to 1320 days [21].

Anatomical context of Coma


Gene context of Coma

  • In addition, the entire vesicle pool can be depleted in shibire comatose double mutants, demonstrating that NSF activity is not required for the fusion step itself [27].
  • Regarding clinical and radiological features, elevated NGF/BDNF levels in the CSF correlated with higher incidence of seizures and prolonged comatose state and with specific radiological lesions [28].
  • The ABRs already showed features which were characteristic for brain death (loss of components other than wave 1 or small wave 2) for four comatose recordings, in three of which N18 was preserved [29].
  • The increment in T3 concentrations 120 min after TRH was found reduced in the comatose patients only [30].
  • This was further supported by low NSE/S100B concentration ratios in serum compared to cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of patients with comatose state, convulsive status, or intracerebral hemorrhage [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Coma

  • The intravenous injection of glucose as a "therapeutic test" in comatose diabetics is reviewed in the light of evidence that it may evoke a paradoxical rise in plasma-potassium in the insulin-deprived diabetic [32].
  • Survival was 83% in patients with grade 1 and 2 comas at transplantation versus 56% (p < 0.001) in those with grade 3 comas; it was 51% versus 81% (p < 0.001) in those transplanted with high risk (ABO-incompatible, split, or steatotic) and low-risk grafts, respectively [33].
  • CONCLUSION: This large-scale EEG evaluation of comatose patients without clinical signs of seizure activity found that NCSE is an underrecognized cause of coma, occurring in 8% of all comatose patients without signs of seizure activity [34].
  • (12) examined 13 comatose patients with advanced coma stages (Glasgow coma scale 5-10) and recorded unspecific changes in their EEG tracings [35].
  • After cuprophan hemodialysis, plasma total tryptophan is lower than in normal and even comatose animals, whereas free tryptophan is normal [36].


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