MeSH Review:
Hospitals, Rural
- Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and vancomycin-resistant Enterococci in rural communities, western United States. Stevenson, K.B., Searle, K., Stoddard, G.J., Samore, M. Emerging Infect. Dis. (2005)
- Continuous epidural morphine and lidocaine for postoperative pain control in obstetric and gynecologic operation. Fung, B.K., Gislefoss, A.J., Ho, E.S. Acta Anaesthesiol. Sin. (1994)
- Aflatoxins and kwashiorkor in Kenya: a hospital based study in a rural area of Kenya. de Vries, H.R., Lamplugh, S.M., Hendrickse, R.G. Annals of tropical paediatrics. (1987)
- Urban-rural differences in the quality of care for medicare patients with acute myocardial infarction. Sheikh, K., Bullock, C. Arch. Intern. Med. (2001)
- Treating acute stroke patients with intravenous tPA. The OSF stroke network experience. Wang, D.Z., Rose, J.A., Honings, D.S., Garwacki, D.J., Milbrandt, J.C. Stroke (2000)
- Systematic review of cancer treatment programmes in remote and rural areas. Campbell, N.C., Ritchie, L.D., Cassidy, J., Little, J. Br. J. Cancer (1999)
- Rural hospitals' experience with the National Practitioner Data Bank. Neighbor, W.E., Baldwin, L.M., West, P.A., Hart, L.G. American journal of public health. (1997)
- Alcohol-related injuries among adolescents in the emergency department. Meropol, S.B., Moscati, R.M., Lillis, K.A., Ballow, S., Janicke, D.M. Annals of emergency medicine. (1995)
- Teleneurology to improve stroke care in rural areas: The Telemedicine in Stroke in Swabia (TESS) Project. Wiborg, A., Widder, B. Stroke (2003)
- Incidence and magnitude of hypoxaemia with ketamine in a rural African hospital. Pederson, L., Benumof, J. Anaesthesia. (1993)
- Observations on a new enzyme immunoassay (Joshua Sickle Screen) for sickle cell screening in a rural hospital. Holzer, B.R., Baillod, P. Trans. R. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg. (1991)
- Benzonatate overdose associated with seizures and arrhythmias. Crouch, B.I., Knick, K.A., Crouch, D.J., Matsumura, K.S., Rollins, D.E. J. Toxicol. Clin. Toxicol. (1998)
- High mortality among patients with bacterial meningitis in a rural hospital in Tanzania. Wiersinga, W.J., van Dellen, Q.M., Spanjaard, L., van Kan, H.J., Groen, A.L., Wetsteyn, J.C. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasitol. (2004)
- An assessment of the Harding and Somogyi-Nelson procedures for plasma glucose estimation, for use in the rural hospitals. Gomo, Z.A., Kureya, P. The Central African journal of medicine. (1985)
- Treatment with tissue plasminogen activator and inpatient mortality rates for patients with ischemic stroke treated in community hospitals. Reed, S.D., Cramer, S.C., Blough, D.K., Meyer, K., Jarvik, J.G. Stroke (2001)
- Urban and rural hospitals: how do they differ? Hatten, J.M., Connerton, R.E. Health care financing review. (1986)
- Poison center data accuracy: a comparison of rural hospital chart data with the TESS database. Toxic Exposure Surveillance System. Hoyt, B.T., Rasmussen, R., Giffin, S., Smilkstein, M.J. Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine. (1999)
- Utilization of supervised physician's assistants in emergency room coverage in a small rural community hospital. Maxfield, R.G., Lemire, M.D., Thomas, M., Wansleben, O. The Journal of trauma. (1975)
- The WAMI Rural Hospital Project. Part 6: Overview and conclusions. Amundson, B.A., Rosenblatt, R.A. The Journal of rural health : official journal of the American Rural Health Association and the National Rural Health Care Association. (1991)