MeSH Review:
Ossicular Prosthesis
- Postoperative residual paralysis and respiratory status: a comparative study of pancuronium and vecuronium. Bissinger, U., Schimek, F., Lenz, G. Physiological research / Academia Scientiarum Bohemoslovaca. (2000)
- Ossicular chain reconstruction: the TORP and PORP in chronic ear disease. Jackson, C.G., Glasscock, M.E., Schwaber, M.K., Nissen, A.J., Christiansen, S.G., Smith, P.G. Laryngoscope (1983)
- Should ossicular reconstruction be staged following tympanomastoidectomy. Kim, H.H., Battista, R.A., Kumar, A., Wiet, R.J. Laryngoscope (2006)
- Ossicular reconstruction with titanium prosthesis. Martin, A.D., Harner, S.G. Laryngoscope (2004)
- Hearing results with a hydroxylapatite/titanium bell partial ossicular replacement prosthesis. Smith, J., Gardner, E., Dornhoffer, J.L. Laryngoscope (2002)
- Otology and neurotology. TORP and PORP prosthesis: a cartilage-sandwich technique. Baker, H.L., Kartush, J. Laryngoscope (1983)
- Middle ear reconstruction using cartilage and TORP and PORP. Kinney, S.E. Laryngoscope (1979)
- Prognostic factors in ossiculoplasty: a statistical staging system. Dornhoffer, J.L., Gardner, E. Otol. Neurotol. (2001)
- Ossiculoplasty using hydroxyapatite prostheses: long-term results. Shinohara, T., Gyo, K., Saiki, T., Yanagihara, N. Clinical otolaryngology and allied sciences. (2000)
- TORPs and PORPs: causes of failure--a report on 446 operations. Sheehy, J.L. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. (1984)
- Ossicular chain reconstruction: titanium versus plastipore. Hillman, T.A., Shelton, C. Laryngoscope (2003)
- Electromagnetic semi-implantable hearing device: phase I. Clinical trials. McGee, T.M., Kartush, J.M., Heide, J.C., Bojrab, D.I., Clemis, J.D., Kulick, K.C. Laryngoscope (1991)
- Hydroxylapatite ossicular replacement prostheses: results in 157 consecutive cases. Goldenberg, R.A. Laryngoscope (1992)
- Composite autograft "shield" reconstruction of remnant tympanic membranes. Duckert, L.G., Müller, J., Makielski, K.H., Helms, J. The American journal of otology. (1995)
- Use of autograft and homograft TORP and PORP in the reconstruction of the conductive system in the middle ear. Betow, C. The American journal of otology. (1985)