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Ossicular Prosthesis

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Disease relevance of Ossicular Prosthesis


High impact information on Ossicular Prosthesis

  • Main outcome measures were mean postoperative air-bone gap (ABG), proportion achieving ABG closure to <20 dB and <30 dB for group 1 and group 2 overall and when controlling for type of mastoid cavity created (open or closed) and the status of the stapes suprastructure (TORP vs. PORP OCR) [3].
  • METHODS: Sixty-eight ossicular procedures using a titanium TORP (n = 30) or PORP (n = 38) were performed at a tertiary referral center between December 1999 and June 2002 [4].
  • CONCLUSIONS: The titanium bell PORP showed improved postoperative results for the PTA-ABG and at 500 Hz and 1000 Hz [5].
  • We defined PORP as a TOF-ratio <70%, hypoxemia as a postoperative SpO2 > or =5% below the pre-anesthestic level together with a postoperative SaO2 <93%, and hypercapnia as a PaCO2 > or =46 mm Hg [1].
  • Among the 49 pancuronium and 27 vecuronium patients studied, the PORP rates were 20% in the pancuronium group and 7% in the vecuronium group (p>0.05) [1].

Biological context of Ossicular Prosthesis


Anatomical context of Ossicular Prosthesis


Associations of Ossicular Prosthesis with chemical compounds

  • Plastipore had a lower air-bone gap than the titanium when a canal wall up operation was performed (17.8 vs. 23.9 dB) and tended toward a lower air-bone gap when a total ossicular prosthesis was needed (22 vs. 27 dB) (P <.07) [11].
  • These favorable results led to phase II of the project, in which patients with surgically amendable mixed hearing losses were implanted with the target magnet incorporated within a hydroxyapatite ossicular prosthesis [12].

Gene context of Ossicular Prosthesis

  • Success for TORP reconstruction was assessed as air-bone gap closure to within 30 dB and for PORP, to within 20 dB [2].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Ossicular Prosthesis


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  10. TORPs and PORPs: causes of failure--a report on 446 operations. Sheehy, J.L. Otolaryngology--head and neck surgery : official journal of American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. (1984) [Pubmed]
  11. Ossicular chain reconstruction: titanium versus plastipore. Hillman, T.A., Shelton, C. Laryngoscope (2003) [Pubmed]
  12. Electromagnetic semi-implantable hearing device: phase I. Clinical trials. McGee, T.M., Kartush, J.M., Heide, J.C., Bojrab, D.I., Clemis, J.D., Kulick, K.C. Laryngoscope (1991) [Pubmed]
  13. Hydroxylapatite ossicular replacement prostheses: results in 157 consecutive cases. Goldenberg, R.A. Laryngoscope (1992) [Pubmed]
  14. Composite autograft "shield" reconstruction of remnant tympanic membranes. Duckert, L.G., Müller, J., Makielski, K.H., Helms, J. The American journal of otology. (1995) [Pubmed]
  15. Use of autograft and homograft TORP and PORP in the reconstruction of the conductive system in the middle ear. Betow, C. The American journal of otology. (1985) [Pubmed]
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