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Disease relevance of Anoxemia


Psychiatry related information on Anoxemia


High impact information on Anoxemia


Chemical compound and disease context of Anoxemia

  • The conclusions are cocaine alters fetal oxygenation by reducing uterine blood flow and impairing oxygen transfer to the fetus; and fetal cardiovascular changes to maternal administration of cocaine may reflect fetal hypoxemia, increased fetal levels of cocaine or fetal catecholamines, or a combination of these events [13].
  • Hypoxemia from sublingual nitroglycerin [14].
  • The physiological relationship of increased circulating angiotensin II and vasopressin to circulatory changes during combined hypoxemia and hypercapnic acidosis is unclear [1].
  • These data demonstrate a down-regulation of the left ventricular beta-adrenergic receptor/adenylate cyclase system during chronic hypoxemia secondary to an intracardiac right-to-left shunt [2].
  • In a model of controlled cortical impact (CCI) with secondary hypoxemia, rats were treated with vehicle or with 1 of 2 iNOS inhibitors (aminoguanidine and L-N-iminoethyl-lysine), administered by Alzet pump for 5 days and 1 [15].

Biological context of Anoxemia


Anatomical context of Anoxemia


Gene context of Anoxemia

  • Tissue injury that accompanies hypoxemia/reoxygenation shares features with the host response in inflammation, suggesting that cytokines, such as IL-1, may act as mediators in this setting [25].
  • The significant correlations noted between CYP2E1 and hypoxemia and beta-OH butyrate suggest that these factors play a role in increased CYP2E1 activity that is seen in patients with NASH [18].
  • Hypoxemia and blunted hypoxic ventilatory responses in mice lacking heme oxygenase-2 [26].
  • Neuronal immunostaining for 5-LO was up-regulated occasionally during hypoxemia and focal ischemic damage [27].
  • This suggests that chronic hypoxemia has an opposing effect on eNOS and nNOS gene regulation [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Anoxemia

  • In patients who have severe COPD without waking hypoxemia, cor pulmonale is detected nearly twice as often by echocardiography as by clinical methods, but is usually not associated with sleep desaturation [29].
  • For the eight other patients, variations in the greatly elevated cardiac output associated with hypoxemia led to poor correlations between PtcO2 and O2 delivery [30].
  • MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: RSV-mediated inhibition of AFC is associated temporally with a 20-nM increase in UTP and ATP content of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, hypoxemia, and altered nasal potential difference [31].
  • The present case also indicates that, in the absence of cerebral ischemia or hypoxemia secondary to cardiopulmonary depression, complete clinical recovery from glutethimide-induced coma is possible no matter how severe the presenting neurologic and EEG signs [32].
  • Hemoglobin saturation as measured by pulse oximetry correlated significantly with PaO2 (r = .65, p less than .0001); more importantly, an oximeter O2 Sat less than 95% showed 100% sensitivity in identifying hypoxemia (i.e., PaO2 less than 70 torr) [33].


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