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Prostheses and Implants

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Disease relevance of Prostheses and Implants


Psychiatry related information on Prostheses and Implants

  • The present results indicate that daily alcohol consumption and tobacco use may have a negative influence on predictable long-term implant treatment outcomes, producing peri-implant bone loss and compromising restorative treatment with implant-supported prostheses [6].
  • The tests utilised are, STAI-Y (STAI-S for state anxiety, STAI-T for trait anxiety), BDI for depression, SP-it for stress events, SDS for somatoform disorders, The tests were given to patients at the first examination (t(0)) and at the check-up (t(1)) 1 month after the definitive prosthesis was cemented [7].
  • OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the complications and prosthesis survival associated with implantation of the Mentor Alpha-1 inflatable penile prosthesis (IPP) for the treatment of erectile dysfunction (ED) [8].

High impact information on Prostheses and Implants

  • Use of an antireflux prosthesis (Angelchik prosthesis) in the surgical treatment of symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux has increased steadily during the past several years [9].
  • Gallium citrate Ga 67 scans and aortic prostheses [10].
  • Life-threatening peri-prosthetic incompetence developed with two successive nickel-containing mitral-valve prostheses in a patient allergic to nickel [11].
  • Disappearance of pruitus was achieved in seven of seven patients, and in 10 of 12 disappearance of jaundice (bilirubin, before prosthesis, 18.4 +/- 4.5 mg/dl [mean +/- 1 SD], bilirubin 1 month after prosthesis, 1.8 +/- 0.6 mg/dl [mean +/- 1 SD], P less than 0.001) with improvement of general clinical status was achieved [12].
  • The self-expanding prosthesis was braided from 0.005-in Nitinol wires in the shape of two flat buttons with a short connecting waist with a diameter corresponding to that of the defect to be closed [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Prostheses and Implants


Biological context of Prostheses and Implants


Anatomical context of Prostheses and Implants


Associations of Prostheses and Implants with chemical compounds

  • Luminal surface production of 6-keto-PGF1 alpha from seeded prostheses was similar to aortic production and significantly greater (p less than .05) than that of control prostheses [28].
  • In vivo function of glutaraldehyde-fixed porcine heterografts used for mitral valve replacement was evaluated by cardiac catheterization in 14 of our first 33 patients who have undergone mitral valve replacement with this prosthesis [29].
  • A radiopaque marker was placed on the center of the free margin of each cusp, and the prostheses were implanted in the tricuspid position of dogs [30].
  • To determine whether these reactions resulted primarily from transanastomotic pannus ingrowth, prostheses (30 mm x 4 mm) were constructed of three 10-mm long segments with Dacron segments on both ends and a middle polyglactin 910 (PG910) segment [31].
  • Serial measurements of platelet survival were performed to assess platelet interaction with prostheses in vivo, and platelet serotonin was monitored as an index of platelet release in vivo [28].

Gene context of Prostheses and Implants


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Prostheses and Implants


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