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Health Facilities

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Disease relevance of Health Facilities


Psychiatry related information on Health Facilities


High impact information on Health Facilities

  • Proposals under negotiation for the World Trade Organization's General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the regional Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) agreement cover a wide range of health services, health facilities, clinician licensing, water and sanitation services, and tobacco and alcohol distribution services [5].
  • Records from 10 Minnesota health facilities were reviewed to identify cases of MRSA infection that occurred during 1996-1998 and to identify which cases were community acquired [6].
  • Impact of permethrin-treated bed nets on the incidence of sick child visits to peripheral health facilities [7].
  • STUDY DESIGN: The study was a prospective, descriptive, and analytic study that included 1286 women in a primary health facility who were screened by cytologic examination, cervicography, direct acetic acid test, and magnified acetic acid test (speculoscopy) [8].
  • Recommendations included implementation of an early two dose schedule of measles immunization during the outbreak, vaccination offered at each contact with a health facility, radio and television advertising for measles immunization and distribution of vitamin A to all measles cases [9].

Anatomical context of Health Facilities

  • SETTING: Twelve health facilities implementing the DOTS strategy, and the Tuberculosis Research Centre (TRC), Chennai, India. OBJECTIVE: To determine the detection rates using Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) and auramine-phenol to stain acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in sputum samples stored in cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) solution [10].

Associations of Health Facilities with chemical compounds

  • Of the sick children given chloroquine at the health facilities, 63% had no malaria parasites in their blood [11].
  • Sixty-six health facilities from Mwanza Region were included in the study [12].
  • SETTING: Seventeen health facilities in a Tuberculosis Unit, and the Tuberculosis Research Centre (TRC), Chennai, India. AIM: Evaluation of restaining by the auramine-phenol method for detection of acid-fast bacilli (AFB) in direct smears of samples transported in cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) solution [13].
  • In health facilities where intravenous antibiotics, chloramphenicol and/or oxygen are available, entry into a 'very severe pneumonia' category would be based on 'grunting and/or nasal flaring' among children with indrawing [14].
  • The most common course of treatment was the use of paracetamol and/or tepid sponging to reduce fever, before the child was taken to a government health facility [15].

Gene context of Health Facilities

  • Rapid response. A Toronto-area health facility manager recounts his experiences with the SARS scare [16].
  • The use of ORS packets in health facilities should continue, but the main indicator of progress in CDD should be ORT use including home solutions [17].
  • Some 23% of tagged OPV was exposed for 48 hours or more to a temperature > 10 degrees C; 47.5% of tagged HB vaccines were exposed to -3 degrees C or less, the majority of them during storage in health facilities or clinics [18].
  • HST coverage was particularly poor in villages located > 5 km from a health facility, but distance from such a facility had no significant effect on treatment coverage in the ComDT/HS arm [19].
  • A belief in the supernatural causation of epilepsy combined with family decision was associated with the choice of indigenous health facility [4].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Health Facilities


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