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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

Methotrexate, Disodium Salt     disodium2-[[4-[(2,4- diaminopteridin-6...

Synonyms: Farmitrexat, MTX disodium, AGN-PC-006WU5, LS-71817, CTK9A3992, ...
This record was replaced with 4112.
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Disease relevance of Amethopterin


High impact information on Amethopterin


Chemical compound and disease context of Amethopterin


Biological context of Amethopterin


Anatomical context of Amethopterin

  • To study the immunologic, biochemical and genetic effects of MTX on T cells, the Jurkat T cell line was made MTX-resistant by serial addition of methotrexate sodium into culture medium [14].

Associations of Amethopterin with other chemical compounds


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Amethopterin


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