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Chemical Compound Review

Sodium-24     sodium

Synonyms: AC1O3RN6, 13982-04-2, Sodium, isotope of mass 24
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Disease relevance of sodium


High impact information on sodium


Biological context of sodium


Associations of sodium with other chemical compounds


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of sodium

  • Composite ion exchanger for removal of sodium-24 in neutron activation analysis of biological materials [11].
  • During the 4 h rehydration recovery period, the runners were allowed to drink a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution (6.9% Lucozade-Sport; sodium, 24 mmol l(-1); potassium, 2.6 mmol l(-1); calcium, 1.2 mmol l(-1); osmolality, 300 mOsm kg(-1)) ad libitum on one occasion [12].


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