Chemical Compound Review:
Xenon Radioisotopes xenon
Xeneisol, Xenon-133, Xe-133, CHEMBL1200685, Xenon Xe 133, ...
- Evidence suggestive of diffuse brain damage following cardiac operations. Henriksen, L. Lancet (1984)
- Circulatory and metabolic effects of glycerol infusion in patients with recent cerebral infarction. Meyer, J.S., Itoh, Y., Okamoto, S., Welch, K.M., Mathew, N.T., Ott, E.O., Sakaki, S., Miyakawa, Y., Chabi, E., Ericsson, A.D. Circulation (1975)
- Reduced left ventricular myocardial blood flow per unit mass in aortic stenosis. Johnson, L.L., Sciacca, R.R., Ellis, K., Weiss, M.B., Cannon, P.J. Circulation (1978)
- Mechanisms of recovery from aphasia: evidence from serial xenon 133 cerebral blood flow studies. Knopman, D.S., Rubens, A.B., Selnes, O.A., Klassen, A.C., Meyer, M.W. Ann. Neurol. (1984)
- Cerebral hemodynamic and metabolic changes in fulminant hepatic failure: a retrospective study. Aggarwal, S., Kramer, D., Yonas, H., Obrist, W., Kang, Y., Martin, M., Policare, R. Hepatology (1994)
- Focal cerebral dysfunction in developmental learning disabilities. Lou, H.C., Henriksen, L., Bruhn, P. Lancet (1990)
- Anxiety and cerebral blood flow during behavioral challenge. Dissociation of central from peripheral and subjective measures. Zohar, J., Insel, T.R., Berman, K.F., Foa, E.B., Hill, J.L., Weinberger, D.R. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (1989)
- Regional cerebral blood flow in mood disorders, III. Treatment and clinical response. Nobler, M.S., Sackeim, H.A., Prohovnik, I., Moeller, J.R., Mukherjee, S., Schnur, D.B., Prudic, J., Devanand, D.P. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (1994)
- The comparative effects of organic brain disease on cerebral blood flow and measured intelligence. Butler, R.W., Dickinson, W.A., Katholi, C., Halsey, J.H. Ann. Neurol. (1983)
- Bihemispheric decreases of regional cerebral blood flow in dementia: correlation with age-matched normal controls. Lavy, S., Melamed, E., Bentin, S., Cooper, G., Rinot, Y. Ann. Neurol. (1978)
- Differences in the distribution of gray and white matter in human cerebral hemispheres. Gur, R.C., Packer, I.K., Hungerbuhler, J.P., Reivich, M., Obrist, W.D., Amarnek, W.S., Sackeim, H.A. Science (1980)
- Regulation of cerebral blood flow in response to changes in blood viscosity. Brown, M.M., Marshall, J. Lancet (1985)
- Regional xenon 133 cerebral blood flow and cerebral technetium 99m HMPAO uptake in unmedicated patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder and matched normal control subjects. Determination by high-resolution single-photon emission computed tomography. Rubin, R.T., Villanueva-Meyer, J., Ananth, J., Trajmar, P.G., Mena, I. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (1992)
- Regional cerebral blood flow in mood disorders. I. Comparison of major depressives and normal controls at rest. Sackeim, H.A., Prohovnik, I., Moeller, J.R., Brown, R.P., Apter, S., Prudic, J., Devanand, D.P., Mukherjee, S. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (1990)
- Physiologic dysfunction of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia. II. Role of neuroleptic treatment, attention, and mental effort. Berman, K.F., Zec, R.F., Weinberger, D.R. Arch. Gen. Psychiatry (1986)
- Vascular adrenergic receptor responses in skeletal muscle in myotonic dystrophy. Mechler, F., Mastaglia, F.L. Ann. Neurol. (1981)
- Effect of acetazolamide on cerebral blood flow in subacute and chronic cerebrovascular disease. Højer-Pedersen, E. Stroke (1987)
- Hemodynamic effect of carotid endarterectomy. Schroeder, T., Sillesen, H., Engell, H.C. Stroke (1987)
- Angiotensin II receptor antagonist CV-11974 and cerebral blood flow autoregulation. Vraamark, T., Waldemar, G., Strandgaard, S., Paulson, O.B. J. Hypertens. (1995)
- Mechanisms of adenosine-induced renal vasodilatation in hypertensive patients. Wierema, T.K., Houben, A.J., Kroon, A.A., Postma, C.T., Koster, D., van Engelshoven, J.M., Smits, P., de Leeuw, P.W. J. Hypertens. (2005)
- Nitrogen-13 and xenon-133 ventilation studies. van der Mark, T.W., Rookmaker, A.E., Kiers, A., Peset, R., Vaalburg, W., Paans, A.M., Woldring, M.G. J. Nucl. Med. (1984)
- Performance evaluation of xenon-133 inhalation rebreathing systems for regional blood flow measurements. Dunn, W.L., Oswald, W.M., Wahner, H.W. J. Nucl. Med. (1985)
- Left ventricular myocardial blood flow in multivessel coronary artery disease. Chen, P.H., Nichols, A.B., Weiss, M.B., Sciacca, R.R., Walter, P.D., Cannon, P.J. Circulation (1982)
- Comparison of microsphere and Xenon-133 clearance method in measuring skeletal muscle and cerebral blood flow. Marcus, M.L., Bischof, C.J., Heistad, D.D. Circ. Res. (1981)
- Migraine can be induced by sildenafil without changes in middle cerebral artery diameter. Kruuse, C., Thomsen, L.L., Birk, S., Olesen, J. Brain (2003)
- Remote effect of deep-seated vascular brain lesions on cerebral blood flow. Attig, E., Capon, A., Demeurisse, G., Verhas, M. Stroke (1990)
- Intravenous digital subtraction angiography: an index of collateral cerebral blood flow in internal carotid artery occlusion. Awad, I., Little, J.R., Modic, M.T., Furlan, A.J. Stroke (1982)
- A simple test to assess cerebrovascular reserve capacity using transcranial Doppler sonography and acetazolamide. Piepgras, A., Schmiedek, P., Leinsinger, G., Haberl, R.L., Kirsch, C.M., Einhäupl, K.M. Stroke (1990)
- The effect of anxiety on cortical cerebral blood flow and metabolism. Gur, R.C., Gur, R.E., Resnick, S.M., Skolnick, B.E., Alavi, A., Reivich, M. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. (1987)
- Ergotamine and cerebral blood flow. Hachinski, V., Norris, J.W., Edmeads, J., Cooper, P.W. Stroke (1978)
- Physostigmine reversal of scopolamine-induced hypofrontality. Prohovnik, I., Arnold, S.E., Smith, G., Lucas, L.R. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. (1997)
- Use of cerebrovascular reactivity in patients with symptomatic major cerebral artery occlusion to predict 5-year outcome: comparison of xenon-133 and iodine-123-IMP single-photon emission computed tomography. Ogasawara, K., Ogawa, A., Terasaki, K., Shimizu, H., Tominaga, T., Yoshimoto, T. J. Cereb. Blood Flow Metab. (2002)
- ISI values and interhemispheric differences in patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease; correlations with clinical and angiographic findings. Mosmans, P.C., Veering, M.M., Jonkman, E.J. Stroke (1986)
- Interictal regional cerebral blood flow in patients with partial seizures. Lavy, S., Melamed, E., Portnoy, Z., Carmon, A. Neurology (1976)
- Cerebral blood flow and cognitive testing correlate in Huntington's disease. Tanahashi, N., Meyer, J.S., Ishikawa, Y., Kandula, P., Mortel, K.F., Rogers, R.L., Gandhi, S., Walker, M. Arch. Neurol. (1985)
- Regional lung function in ankylosing spondylitis. Stewart, R.M., Ridyard, J.B., Pearson, J.D. Thorax (1976)
- Pattern of total and regional lung function in subjects with bronchoconstriction induced by 15-me PGF2 alpha. Andersen, L.H., Secher, N.J. Thorax (1976)
- Xenon ventilation-perfusion lung scans. The early diagnosis of inhalation injury. Schall, G.L., McDonald, H.D., Carr, L.B., Capozzi, A. JAMA (1978)
- Postural changes in pulmonary blood flow in pulmonary hypertension: a noninvasive technique using ventilation-perfusion scans. Horn, M., Hooper, W., Brach, B., Ashburn, W., Moser, K. Circulation (1982)
- Focal hyperemia followed by spreading oligemia and impaired activation of rCBF in classic migraine. Olesen, J., Larsen, B., Lauritzen, M. Ann. Neurol. (1981)
- Leptomeningeal metastases: reduction in regional cerebral blood flow and cognitive impairment. Siegal, T., Mildworf, B., Stein, D., Melamed, E. Ann. Neurol. (1985)
- Sleep apnea, narcolepsy, and dreaming: regional cerebral hemodynamics. Meyer, J.S., Sakai, F., Karacan, I., Derman, S., Yamamoto, M. Ann. Neurol. (1980)