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Chemical Compound Review

Xenon Radioisotopes     xenon

Synonyms: Xeneisol, Xenon-133, Xe-133, CHEMBL1200685, Xenon Xe 133, ...
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Disease relevance of xenon

  • In 37 patients regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured by single photon emission computerised tomography (SPECT) after inhalation of xenon-133 before and within the first 10 days after open heart surgery for acquired or congenital heart disease [1].
  • The effect of intravenous infusion of 10 per cent glycerol on regional cerebral blood flow (using hydrogen bolus and Xenon-133 (133Xe) clearance methods) and metabolism was investigated in 57 patients with recent cerebral infarction [2].
  • Myocardial blood flow (MBF) per unit mass was measured in 10 patients (pts) with severe aortic stenosis (AS) and no significant aortic insufficiency, normal ejection fractions, and normal coronary arteriograms, using xenon-133 and a multiple crystal scintillation camera [3].
  • In 21 patients who suffered aphasia resulting from left hemisphere ischemic infarction, the xenon 133 inhalation cerebral blood flow technique was used to measure cerebral blood flow within 3 months and 5 to 12 months after stroke [4].
  • Computerized tomography of the brain and cerebral blood flow measurements by the xenon-computerized tomography scan or intravenous xenon-133 methods were obtained in 33 patients with fulminant hepatic failure [5].

Psychiatry related information on xenon

  • In 24 children with developmental learning disabilities and 15 age-matched controls regional cerebral activity was studied with xenon-133 single photon emission tomography [6].
  • To investigate the relationship between anxiety and regional cerebral blood flow, we administered behavioral challenges to 10 patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder while measuring regional cerebral blood flow with the xenon 133 inhalation technique [7].
  • METHODS: We assessed cortical blood flow with the xenon 133 technique in depressed patients prior to a course of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 30 minutes before and 50 minutes after a single treatment, and during the week following ECT [8].
  • Raw scores for cerebral blood flow (CBF), determined by xenon 133 inhalation, and for Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) were measured in five groups of 12 subjects each: young normals, aged normals, and patients with cerebrovascular disease without dementia, dementia with cerebrovascular disease, and degenerative brain disease [9].
  • Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) was measured by the xenon 133 inhalation method in 20 patients with senile and presenile dementia, and values were compared with flow data obtained in a series of 44 age-matched normal controls [10].

High impact information on xenon


Chemical compound and disease context of xenon


Biological context of xenon


Anatomical context of xenon


Associations of xenon with other chemical compounds


Gene context of xenon

  • Xenon 133 inhalation CBF studies of one hundred patients with ischemic cerebrovascular disease in the territory of the carotid artery were compared in an attempt to gain more insight into the collateral capacity, especially in those with a stenosis or occlusion of one of the major arteries [33].
  • Interictal regional cerebral blood flow was determined in 11 adult patients with partial epilepsy and lateralized electroencephalographic abnormalities by means of the xenon 133 intracarotid injection method [34].
  • Mean hemispheric xenon Xe 133 CBF values were reduced in patients with HD but seemed to be normal in at-risk individuals [35].
  • Xenon-133 was used to study regional pulmonary function in nine patients with chest cage rigidity due to ankylosing spondylitis [36].
  • Closing volume (single breath nitrogen test), regional ventilation and perfusion (using intravenous xenon-133), and total lung function (TLC, VC, and FEV) were measured before and after intramuscular administration of 250 mug 15-methyl prostaglandin F2alpha (15-me PGF2alpha) in 10 healthy women [37].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of xenon


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