MeSH Review:
Neutron Activation Analysis
- The distribution of bromine content of dibromodulcitol in the central nervous system of patients with malignant gliomas. Sziklai, I.L., Afra, D., Ordogh, M., Institoris, L., Kerpel-Fronius, S., Szabo, E. Eur. J. Cancer (1990)
- An investigation of the toxicity of gadolinium based MRI contrast agents using neutron activation analysis. Bartolini, M.E., Pekar, J., Chettle, D.R., McNeill, F., Scott, A., Sykes, J., Prato, F.S., Moran, G.R. Magnetic resonance imaging. (2003)
- Selenium and the risk of postmenopausal breast cancer in the DOM cohort. van Noord, P.A., Maas, M.J., van der Tweel, I., Collette, C. Breast Cancer Res. Treat. (1993)
- Instrumental neutron-activation analysis of canine urinary calculi for some selected elements. Zinn, K.R., Glascock, M.D., Schmidt, D.A. Am. J. Vet. Res. (1986)
- Trace element distribution in the hair of some sickle cell anemia patients and controls. Oluwole, A.F., Asubiojo, O.I., Adekile, A.D., Filby, R.H., Bragg, A., Grimm, C.I. Biological trace element research. (1990)
- Iridium profile for 10 million years across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at Gubbio (Italy). Alvarez, W., Asaro, F., Montanari, A. Science (1990)
- Cadmium fume inhalation and emphysema. Davison, A.G., Fayers, P.M., Taylor, A.J., Venables, K.M., Darbyshire, J., Pickering, C.A., Chettle, D.R., Franklin, D., Guthrie, C.J., Scott, M.C. Lancet (1988)
- Instrumental neutron activation analysis of brain aluminum in Alzheimer disease and aging. Markesbery, W.R., Ehmann, W.D., Hossain, T.I., Alauddin, M., Goodin, D.T. Ann. Neurol. (1981)
- A selenomethionine-containing azurin from an auxotroph of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Frank, P., Licht, A., Tullius, T.D., Hodgson, K.O., Pecht, I. J. Biol. Chem. (1985)
- Trace element concentration in human brain. Activation analysis of cobalt, iron, rubidium, selenium, zinc, chromium, silver, cesium, antimony and scandium. Höck, A., Demmel, U., Schicha, H., Kasperek, K., Feinendegen, L.E. Brain (1975)
- Trace element content in breasts with fibrocystic disease. Kanias, G.D., Kouri, E., Arvaniti, H., Karaiosifidi, H., Kouneli, S. Biological trace element research. (1994)
- Instrumental neutron activation analysis of kidney stones. Sarmani, S., Kuan, L.L., Bakar, M.A. Biological trace element research. (1990)
- Effects of tricyclic compounds on membrane binding of bivalent cations, activities of acetylcholinesterase and some tissue proteases. Molnar, J., Sohar, I., Kovacs, J., Rakonczay, Z., Rausch, H. In Vivo (1993)
- Whole-body composition in patients with angina pectoris receiving long-term treatment with the nonselective beta-receptor blocking drug nadolol. Gray, J.M., East, B.W., Robertson, I., Preston, T., Lawson, D.H. Journal of clinical pharmacology. (1986)
- Body composition of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) studied by neutron activation analysis. Talbot, C., Preston, T., East, B.W. Comparative biochemistry and physiology. A, Comparative physiology. (1986)
- Evaluation of body composition and nitrogen content of renal patients on chronic dialysis as determined by total body neutron activation. Cohn, S.H., Brennan, B.L., Yasumura, S., Vartsky, D., Vaswani, A.N., Ellis, K.J. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. (1983)
- Quantitative element investigations in urine, serum, kidney and muscle tissue of calcium oxalate stone patients. Matouschek, E., Huber, R., Schneider, J., Vogg, H. Eur. Urol. (1978)
- An accelerator based system for in vivo neutron activation analysis measurements of manganese in human hand bones. Arnold, M.L., McNeill, F.E., Stronach, I.M., Pejovic-Milic, A., Chettle, D.R., Waker, A. Medical physics. (2002)
- Bioaccumulation and locomotor effects of manganese phosphate/sulfate mixture in Sprague-Dawley rats following subchronic (90 days) inhalation exposure. Salehi, F., Krewski, D., Mergler, D., Normandin, L., Kennedy, G., Philippe, S., Zayed, J. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. (2003)
- Simplified measurement of protein-bound iodine with epithermal neutron activation analysis. Chou, F.I., Lin, H.D., Wei, J.C., Wang, A.Y., Lo, J.G. Nucl. Med. Biol. (1993)
- Renal dysfunction in cadmium smelters: relation to in-vivo liver and kidney cadmium concentrations. Gompertz, D., Chettle, D.R., Fletcher, J.G., Mason, H., Perkins, J., Scott, M.C., Smith, N.J., Topping, M.D., Blindt, M. Lancet (1983)
- Elevated vanadium content of hair and mania. Naylor, G.J., Smith, A.H., Bryce-Smith, D., Ward, N.I. Biol. Psychiatry (1984)
- Vanadium and other trace elements in patients taking lithium. Campbell, C.A., Peet, M., Ward, N.I. Biol. Psychiatry (1988)
- Body composition in normal black women: the four-compartment model. Aloia, J.F., Vaswani, A., Ma, R., Flaster, E. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (1996)
- Relative chromium response as an indicator of chromium status. Liu, V.J., Morris, J.S. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. (1978)
- Comparison of total body chlorine, potassium, and water measurements in children with cystic fibrosis. Borovnicar, D.J., Stroud, D.B., Bines, J.E., Haslam, R.H., Strauss, B.J. Am. J. Clin. Nutr. (2000)
- Comparisons among methods of measuring bone mass and relationship to severity of vertebral fractures in osteoporosis. Ott, S.M., Kilcoyne, R.F., Chesnut, C.H. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. (1988)
- Elemental composition of platelets. Part II. Water content of normal human platelets and measurements of their concentrations of Cu, Fe, K, and Zn by neutron activation analysis. Kiem, J., Borberg, H., Iyengar, G.V., Kasperek, K., Siegers, M., Feinendegen, L.E., Gross, R. Clin. Chem. (1979)
- Nutritional status and muscle strength in patients with emphysema and severe alpha(1)-antitrypsin deficiency. Piitulainen, E., Areberg, J., Lindén, M., Eriksson, S., Mattsson, S., Wollmer, P. Chest (2002)
- Total body calcium mass in primary hyperparathyroidism and long-term changes. Jimenez, L.E., Spinks, T.J., Ranicar, A.S., Joplin, G.F. Calcif. Tissue Int. (1984)
- Total body electrolyte composition and distribution of body water in uremia. Brennan, B.L., Yasumura, S., Letteri, J.M., Cohn, S.H. Kidney Int. (1980)
- Failure of nutritional recovery after total gastrectomy. Curran, F.T., Hill, G.L. The British journal of surgery. (1990)
- Distribution of cadmium, lead and zinc in lung, liver and kidney in long-term exposed smelter workers. Gerhardsson, L., Brune, D., Nordberg, G.F., Wester, P.O. Sci. Total Environ. (1986)
- Measurement of short-term changes in the fat content of the body: a comparison of three methods in patients receiving intravenous nutrition. Almond, D.J., King, R.F., Burkinshaw, L., Oxby, C.B., McMahon, M.J. Br. J. Nutr. (1984)
- Aggressive nutritional support does not prevent protein loss despite fat gain in septic intensive care patients. Streat, S.J., Beddoe, A.H., Hill, G.L. The Journal of trauma. (1987)