Chemical Compound Review:
Pichtosin (1,7,7-trimethyl-6- bicyclo[2.2.1]heptyl)...
SureCN117760, BORNYL ACETATE, AG-H-05296, LS-2587, KST-1B9523, ...
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- Biosynthesis of monoterpenes: preliminary characterization of bornyl pyrophosphate synthetase from sage (Salvia officinalis) and demonstration that Geranyl pyrophosphate is the preferred substrate for cyclization. Croteau, R., Karp, F. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (1979)
- Linalyl and bornyl disaccharide glycosides from Gardenia jasminoides flowers. Watanabe, N., Nakajima, R., Watanabe, S., Moon, J.H., Inagaki, J., Sakata, K., Yagi, A., Ina, K. Phytochemistry (1994)
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