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Chemical Compound Review

ISOPRENE     2-methylbuta-1,3-diene

Synonyms: isopreno, Isopren, isoterpene, Isopentadiene, ISOPRENE, REAG, ...
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Disease relevance of isoprene

  • Convergence of isoprene and polyketide biosynthetic machinery: isoprenyl-S-carrier proteins in the pksX pathway of Bacillus subtilis [1].
  • Non-neoplastic lesions in mice exposed to isoprene included spinal cord degeneration, testicular atrophy, degeneration of the olfactory epithelium, and epithelial hyperplasia of the forestomach [2].
  • Geraniol, an acyclic end product of a plant isoprene pathway and a pyrophosphorylated intermediate in plant and animal pathways, caused a concentration-dependent increase in the population doubling time of murine P388 leukemia cells in suspension culture and of B16 melanoma cells in monolayer culture [3].
  • To test the effect of isoprene tail length, N2 and clk-1 animals were fed E. coli engineered to produce Q7, Q8, Q9, or Q10 [4].
  • Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients had lower isoprene concentration differences than patients without ARDS [5].

Psychiatry related information on isoprene

  • Our results confirm recent observations of a diurnal level variation associated with sleep or wakefulness; a new finding is that young children have much lower levels of isoprene in breath than adults [6].
  • Here we report the effects of variation of reaction time, relative humidity and initial ozone concentration on irritant formation in a flow reaction system using R-(+)-limonene and isoprene [7].

High impact information on isoprene

  • Exposure to increased CO2 significantly reduced the cellular content of dimethylallyl diphosphate, the substrate for isoprene synthesis, in both leaves and leaf protoplasts [8].
  • Our results highlight the potential for uncoupling isoprene emission from biomass accumulation in an agriforest species, and show that negative air-quality effects of proliferating agriforests may be offset by increases in CO2 [8].
  • The inhibitory activity of GDI derives both from an ability to bind the carboxy-terminal isoprene of Rho family members and extract them from membranes, and from inhibition of GTPase cycling between the GTP- and GDP-bound states [9].
  • From our data it can be concluded that isoprenylation of lamins in the nucleus, as it is observed under certain conditions of isoprene starvation, represents a default pathway rather than the physiological situation [10].
  • The thermoprotection hypothesis suggests that isoprene protects thylakoids from damage at high temperatures [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of isoprene


Biological context of isoprene

  • Identification and characterization of three novel missense mutations in mevalonate kinase cDNA causing mevalonic aciduria, a disorder of isoprene biosynthesis [17].
  • Isoprene, an endogenous hydrocarbon and industrial chemical, induces multiple organ neoplasia in rodents after 26 weeks of inhalation exposure [2].
  • In this study, we developed a variety of substrates and inhibitors of Icmt that vary in the isoprene moiety in order to gain information about the nature of the lipophilic substrate binding site [18].
  • Although the hydrogenation of the isoprene double bond and the conjugated fatty acid both use NADH as the primary reductant, the two reactions appear to be catalyzed by different enzymes [19].
  • Alternatively, a compound produced as an intermediate in leucine breakdown to HMG-CoA (e.g. dimethylcrotonyl-CoA) could be directly reduced to produce an isoprene alcohol followed by phosphorylation to enter the isoprenoid pathway post-MVA [20].

Anatomical context of isoprene

  • Two isoprenoids with 9 to 10 isoprene chains (polyprenoids), N-(p-methylbenzyl)decaprenylamine and N-solanesyl-N,N'-bis(3,4-dimethoxybenzyl)ethylenediamine overcame the multidrug resistance almost completely in cultured Chr-24, whereas they only slightly sensitized the parental KB cells to anticancer agents [21].
  • When H-Ras, N-Ras, K-Ras4A, and K-Ras4B were expressed individually in COS cells, H-Ras prenylation and membrane association were found to be uniquely sensitive to farnesyl transferase inhibitors; N- and K-Ras proteins incorporated the geranylgeranyl isoprene group and remained associated with the membrane fraction [22].
  • Endothelial degeneration in the CNS and optic nerve may have reflected in vitro morphologic effects of HMG CoA reductase inhibitors due to extreme inhibition of nonsterol isoprene synthesis [23].
  • Both K-ras and H-ras protooncogene mutations are associated with Harderian gland tumorigenesis in B6C3F1 mice exposed to isoprene for 26 weeks [24].
  • Since bisphosphonates are known to be potent, nanomolar inhibitors of the mevalonate/isoprene pathway enzyme farnesyl pyrophosphate synthase (FPPS), we also compared the pharmacophores for gammadelta T cell activation with those for FPPS inhibition, using the Catalyst program [25].

Associations of isoprene with other chemical compounds

  • Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains that contain the ery8-1 mutation are temperature sensitive for growth due to a defect in phosphomevalonate kinase, an enzyme of isoprene and ergosterol biosynthesis [26].
  • Most of the toxic and carcinogenic effects caused by isoprene, as well as the species' difference in response, had been observed after inhalation exposures to 1,3-butadiene [2].
  • Mevalonic aciduria is the first proposed inherited disorder of the cholesterol/isoprene biosynthetic pathway in humans, and it is presumed to be caused by a mutation in the gene coding for mevalonate kinase [27].
  • In the current study, inhibitors of the isoprene biosynthetic pathway were used to define further this mevalonic acid derivative involved in the accelerated degradation of HMG-CoA reductase [28].
  • It is proposed that the synthesis of dolichol and dolichyl-P do not share the same terminal steps; saturation and terminal isoprene condensation occur in cooperation; and substrate concentration and pH influence the terminal enzyme(s) and the nature of the final product in the polyprenol biosynthesis [29].

Gene context of isoprene

  • Both isoprene monoepoxides were oxidized by CYP2E1 to the diepoxide at similar enzymatic rates [30].
  • The products of the Rer2 and Srt1 proteins consist of 14-17 and 18-23 isoprene units, respectively [31].
  • Thus, differences in epoxide hydrolase activity between species may be of crucial importance for the toxicity of isoprene in the various species [30].
  • All-trans-polyprenyl diphosphates containing 3-13 isoprene units are synthesized, which identifies the B318L protein as a trans-prenyltransferase [32].
  • Our data demonstrate that RhoB-F and RhoB-GG which differ only by a 5-carbon isoprene behave differently in rodent cells highlighting the important role of prenyl groups in protein function and emphasize the potency of RhoB to regulate negatively the oncogenic signal [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of isoprene

  • Molecular cloning and sequence of a cholesterol-repressible enzyme related to prenyltransferase in the isoprene biosynthetic pathway [34].
  • The distribution of chain lengths of the labeled polyisoprenols of F2A8, B4-2-1, and wild-type cells was the same as determined by high pressure liquid chromatography using a reverse-phase column, with the predominant chain length being 19 isoprene units [35].
  • In contrast to this limited addition of IPP to DMAPP, we measured 7000 additions of isoprene per rubber molecule in a previous titration of active allylic ends of rubber molecules by purified prenyltransferase (Light, D. R., and Dennis, M. S. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 18589-18597) [36].
  • Estimates of chain length by thin layer chromatography indicate that the lipid has 11 to 12 isoprene identity as a C55-60-polyisoprenyl pyrophospho-N-acetylglucosamine [37].
  • Two subjects with LA had inexplicable, positive, nonreproducible intradermal skin test reactions to solutions from vials containing bromobutyl but not vials with isoprene synthetic closures [38].


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  13. Purification of a glutathione S-transferase and a glutathione conjugate-specific dehydrogenase involved in isoprene metabolism in Rhodococcus sp. strain AD45. van Hylckama Vlieg, J.E., Kingma, J., Kruizinga, W., Janssen, D.B. J. Bacteriol. (1999) [Pubmed]
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