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Chemical Compound Review

CHEBI:13711     (hydroxy-oxido-phosphoryl) ethanoate

Synonyms: AC1O7462, acetyl hydrogen phosphate
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Disease relevance of acetyloxyphosphonic acid


High impact information on acetyloxyphosphonic acid

  • Cyclopiazonic acid also inhibited the Ca2+-dependent acetylphosphate, p-nitrophenylphosphate and carbamylphosphate hydrolysis by sarcoplasmic reticulum [4].
  • This mechanism includes a phosphoenzyme intermediate and requires enzyme-bount MgADP for phosphorylation of the enzyme by acetylphosphate [5].
  • The activation of PhoB by acetylphosphate [6].
  • During 30 min of anaerobic dark or light incubation with sodium pyrivate, crude extracts from fermentatively grown cells produced about 6 micronmol of acetylphosphate and formate per mg of protein in reactions performed at pH 8 [7].
  • Although these comparative analyses revealed several common differences, thus suggesting possible interactions between these regulatory mechanisms, i.e. H-NS, Lrp (leucine-responsive regulatory protein) and acetylphosphate, the most extensive modifications occurred in an hns mutant [8].

Chemical compound and disease context of acetyloxyphosphonic acid

  • Cell-free extracts of Clostridium sporogenes catalyse the water elimination from (2R)-phenyllactate in the presence of one of the energy-rich compounds acetyl-CoA, acetylphosphate or ATP and coenzyme A. Water is eliminated from (2R)-phenyllactoyl-CoA without any of the aforementioned additions [9].

Biological context of acetyloxyphosphonic acid

  • This effect, which is attributed to occupancy of the phosphorylation domain of the catalytic site, is distinct from the known secondary activation of enzyme turnover which is produced by ATP and by inactive nucleotide analogs, but not by acetylphosphate [10].
  • The linkage in the active site of the phosphorylated intermediate of (Na+,K+)-ATPase appeared to be equivalent to the non-hydrated state of the model compound acetylphosphate [11].

Anatomical context of acetyloxyphosphonic acid


Associations of acetyloxyphosphonic acid with other chemical compounds


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of acetyloxyphosphonic acid


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