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Chemical Compound Review

acetyl-P     acetyloxyphosphonic acid

Synonyms: CHEBI:15350, HMDB01494, bmse000261, AR-1H6470, AKOS006329198, ...
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Disease relevance of acetyloxyphosphonic acid


High impact information on acetyloxyphosphonic acid


Chemical compound and disease context of acetyloxyphosphonic acid


Biological context of acetyloxyphosphonic acid

  • Formation of the phosphoenzyme from acetyl phosphate in the forward reaction was only weakly inhibited, but hydrolysis of the phosphoenzyme was strongly inhibited [11].
  • ATP and acetyl phosphate induces molecular events near the ATP binding site and the membrane domain of Na+,K+-ATPase. The tetrameric nature of the enzyme [12].
  • The extent of the decrease in the BIPM fluorescence and the increase in the amount of phosphoenzyme both showed monophasic kinetics with a similar dependence on the concentration of acetyl phosphate (K0.5 = 4 mM), while that of FITC fluorescence showed a biphasic decrease (K 0.5 greater than 10 mM) [13].
  • Ca(2+)-ATPase and Na+,K(+)-ATPase are phosphorylated from both ATP and acetyl phosphate (ACP) and dephosphorylated, resulting in active ion transport [14].
  • The effects of varying the intracellular amounts of acetyl phosphate on chemotaxis and the osmo-response were also investigated [15].

Anatomical context of acetyloxyphosphonic acid


Associations of acetyloxyphosphonic acid with other chemical compounds

  • With human hemoglobin A, methyl acetyl phosphate competes with 2,3-diphosphoglycerate and acetylates only Val-1(beta), Lys-82(beta), and Lys-144(beta) within or near the cleft that binds this organic phosphate (Ueno, H., Pospischil, M. A., Manning, J. M., and Kluger, R. (1986) Arch Biochem. Biophys. 244, 795) [21].
  • Several lines of evidence, including the finding that ATP- and not acetyl phosphate- or Pi-dependent phosphorylation is blocked by derivatization, suggest that the lysyl residue is at the catalytic nucleotide binding site, but is not directly involved in phosphoryl transfer [22].
  • Purified UhpA was phosphorylated by acetyl phosphate in a reaction that was dependent on Mg2+ and on the presence of aspartate 54, the site of phosphorylation in homologous response regulators [23].
  • Active site ligands such as acetyl phosphate, phosphate, and p-nitrophenyl phosphate were also ineffective at increasing the Ca2+ affinity [24].
  • Reaction of protein C with iodoacetate inhibits its ability to decompose acetyl phosphate, but this inactivation of the enzyme by alkylation is prevented in the presence of the substrate indicating the formation of an unreactive enzyme-bound acetylthiol ester [25].

Gene context of acetyloxyphosphonic acid


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of acetyloxyphosphonic acid

  • A radioactive tracer and rapid filtration method was applied to the study of Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) vesicles which were preloaded passively (equilibration with millimolar Ca2+) or actively (in the presence of ATP or acetyl phosphate) [31].
  • Thus 83% of untreated oxygenated sickle cells had densities greater than 1.098 gm/ml, whereas after treatment with methyl acetyl phosphate, 52% of the cells were in this density range [32].
  • This model is composed of five units: a substrate unit consisting of substrate solutions--AMP, ATP, and acetyl phosphate (AcOP)--an enzymatic reactor unit consisting of AK and AdK immobilized to Sepharose 4B, an auto sampler unit, an analytical unit made up of high-performance liquid chromatography, and a control unit made up of a microcomputer [33].


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