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Gene Review

Wnt9b  -  wingless-type MMTV integration site family...

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Protein Wnt-14b, Protein Wnt-15, Protein Wnt-9b, Wnt14b, Wnt15, ...
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Disease relevance of Wnt9b


High impact information on Wnt9b

  • Whereas Wnt3 mRNA is mainly expressed in the maxillary and medial nasal ectoderm, Wnt9b mRNA is expressed in maxillary, medial nasal, and lateral nasal ectoderm [2].
  • Expression of Wnt9b and activation of canonical Wnt signaling during midfacial morphogenesis in mice [2].
  • Overexpression of Wnt9b in C57MG mammary epithelial cells caused small transformed foci in cell monolayers and a moderate morphological transformation in pooled colonies compared with Wnt1 [3].
  • Full-length comparisons among Wnt amino acid sequences provide evidence that Wnt9b and Wnt9a are close paralogs of each other and are orthologs of Wnt9 genes from shark and hagfish [3].
  • Mapping Wnt9b to The Jackson Laboratory BSS interspecific backcross panel places it at 63.0 cM on chromosome 11 [3].

Biological context of Wnt9b


Anatomical context of Wnt9b

  • Wnt9b expression is primarily restricted to the kidney in the adult mouse, with lower levels detected in the preputial gland, liver, and mammary gland [3].
  • Wnt9b is required for the earliest inductive response in metanephric mesenchyme [5].
  • We show that Wnt9b is expressed in the inductive epithelia and is essential for the development of mesonephric and metanephric tubules and caudal extension of the Müllerian duct [5].

Other interactions of Wnt9b

  • The entire transcripts of Wnt9b and Wnt3 in A/WySn were sequenced [6].
  • Three single-nucleotide variants in A/WySn (vs. C57BL/6J) were found in each of the 3' untranslated regions (3'UTRs) of Wnt3 and of Wnt9b, respectively; their presence in CBA/J shows that none are the clf1 mutation [6].
  • Wnt9b acts upstream of another Wnt, Wnt4, in this process, and our data implicate canonical Wnt signaling as one of the major pathways in the organization of the mammalian urogenital system [5].


  1. Wnt9b is the mutated gene involved in multifactorial nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate in A/WySn mice, as confirmed by a genetic complementation test. Juriloff, D.M., Harris, M.J., McMahon, A.P., Carroll, T.J., Lidral, A.C. Birth Defects Res. Part A Clin. Mol. Teratol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  2. Expression of Wnt9b and activation of canonical Wnt signaling during midfacial morphogenesis in mice. Lan, Y., Ryan, R.C., Zhang, Z., Bullard, S.A., Bush, J.O., Maltby, K.M., Lidral, A.C., Jiang, R. Dev. Dyn. (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. Mouse Wnt9b transforming activity, tissue-specific expression, and evolution. Qian, J., Jiang, Z., Li, M., Heaphy, P., Liu, Y.H., Shackleford, G.M. Genomics (2003) [Pubmed]
  4. Comparative genomics on Wnt3-Wnt9b gene cluster. Katoh, M. Int. J. Mol. Med. (2005) [Pubmed]
  5. Wnt9b plays a central role in the regulation of mesenchymal to epithelial transitions underlying organogenesis of the mammalian urogenital system. Carroll, T.J., Park, J.S., Hayashi, S., Majumdar, A., McMahon, A.P. Dev. Cell (2005) [Pubmed]
  6. Investigations of the genomic region that contains the clf1 mutation, a causal gene in multifactorial cleft lip and palate in mice. Juriloff, D.M., Harris, M.J., Dewell, S.L., Brown, C.J., Mager, D.L., Gagnier, L., Mah, D.G. Birth defects research. Part A, Clinical and molecular teratology. (2005) [Pubmed]
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