Gene Review:
stan - starry night
Drosophila melanogaster
CG11895, CT20776, Dmel\CG11895, Flam, Fmi, ...
- Organising cells into tissues: new roles for cell adhesion molecules in planar cell polarity. Saburi, S., McNeill, H. Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. (2005)
- The protocadherin Flamingo is required for axon target selection in the Drosophila visual system. Lee, R.C., Clandinin, T.R., Lee, C.H., Chen, P.L., Meinertzhagen, I.A., Zipursky, S.L. Nat. Neurosci. (2003)
- Control of dendritic field formation in Drosophila: the roles of flamingo and competition between homologous neurons. Gao, F.B., Kohwi, M., Brenman, J.E., Jan, L.Y., Jan, Y.N. Neuron (2000)
- Wnt11 controls cell contact persistence by local accumulation of Frizzled 7 at the plasma membrane. Witzel, S., Zimyanin, V., Carreira-Barbosa, F., Tada, M., Heisenberg, C.P. J. Cell Biol. (2006)
- The Drosophila tissue polarity gene starry night encodes a member of the protocadherin family. Chae, J., Kim, M.J., Goo, J.H., Collier, S., Gubb, D., Charlton, J., Adler, P.N., Park, W.J. Development (1999)
- Flamingo controls the planar polarity of sensory bristles and asymmetric division of sensory organ precursors in Drosophila. Lu, B., Usui, T., Uemura, T., Jan, L., Jan, Y.N. Curr. Biol. (1999)
- Armadillo/beta-catenin-dependent Wnt signalling is required for the polarisation of epidermal cells during dorsal closure in Drosophila. Morel, V., Arias, A.M. Development (2004)
- Planar polarity from flies to vertebrates. Fanto, M., McNeill, H. J. Cell. Sci. (2004)
- Potential dual molecular interaction of the Drosophila 7-pass transmembrane cadherin Flamingo in dendritic morphogenesis. Kimura, H., Usui, T., Tsubouchi, A., Uemura, T. J. Cell. Sci. (2006)
- Tiling of the Drosophila epidermis by multidendritic sensory neurons. Grueber, W.B., Jan, L.Y., Jan, Y.N. Development (2002)
- WNT/PCP signaling pathway and human cancer (review). Katoh, M. Oncol. Rep. (2005)
- Actin filament-stabilizing protein tropomyosin regulates the size of dendritic fields. Li, W., Gao, F.B. J. Neurosci. (2003)
- Asymmetric colocalization of Flamingo, a seven-pass transmembrane cadherin, and Dishevelled in planar cell polarization. Shimada, Y., Usui, T., Yanagawa, S., Takeichi, M., Uemura, T. Curr. Biol. (2001)
- The ankyrin repeat protein Diego mediates Frizzled-dependent planar polarization. Feiguin, F., Hannus, M., Mlodzik, M., Eaton, S. Dev. Cell (2001)
- The atypical cadherin Flamingo links Frizzled and Notch signaling in planar polarity establishment in the Drosophila eye. Das, G., Reynolds-Kenneally, J., Mlodzik, M. Dev. Cell (2002)
- Diego interacts with Prickle and Strabismus/Van Gogh to localize planar cell polarity complexes. Das, G., Jenny, A., Klein, T.J., Eaton, S., Mlodzik, M. Development (2004)
- Strabismus requires Flamingo and Prickle function to regulate tissue polarity in the Drosophila eye. Rawls, A.S., Wolff, T. Development (2003)