Gene Review:
opa - odd paired
Drosophila melanogaster
CG1133, Dmel\CG1133, Opa, Pair-rule protein odd-paired
- "In vivo" toxicity of a truncated version of the Drosophila Rst-IrreC protein is dependent on the presence of a glutamine-rich region in its intracellular domain. Machado, R.C., Pereira, R.N., Costa, M.S., Ramos, R.G. An. Acad. Bras. Cienc. (2002)
- opa: a novel family of transcribed repeats shared by the Notch locus and other developmentally regulated loci in D. melanogaster. Wharton, K.A., Yedvobnick, B., Finnerty, V.G., Artavanis-Tsakonas, S. Cell (1985)
- odd-paired: a zinc finger pair-rule protein required for the timely activation of engrailed and wingless in Drosophila embryos. Benedyk, M.J., Mullen, J.R., DiNardo, S. Genes Dev. (1994)
- Tenm, a Drosophila gene related to tenascin, is a new pair-rule gene. Baumgartner, S., Martin, D., Hagios, C., Chiquet-Ehrismann, R. EMBO J. (1994)
- DNA sequences homologous to the Drosophila opa repeat are present in murine mRNAs that are differentially expressed in fetuses and adult tissues. Duboule, D., Haenlin, M., Galliot, B., Mohier, E. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1987)
- Wnt and TGFbeta signals subdivide the AbdA Hox domain during Drosophila mesoderm patterning. Bilder, D., Graba, Y., Scott, M.P. Development (1998)
- Drosophila midgut morphogenesis requires the function of the segmentation gene odd-paired. Cimbora, D.M., Sakonju, S. Dev. Biol. (1995)
- Expression of ZIC genes in the development of the chick inner ear and nervous system. Warner, S.J., Hutson, M.R., Oh, S.H., Gerlach-Bank, L.M., Lomax, M.I., Barald, K.F. Dev. Dyn. (2003)
- Nucleotide sequences of Dictyostelium discoideum developmentally regulated cDNAs rich in (AAC) imply proteins that contain clusters of asparagine, glutamine, or threonine. Shaw, D.R., Richter, H., Giorda, R., Ohmachi, T., Ennis, H.L. Mol. Gen. Genet. (1989)
- Structure of the Drosophila DNA topoisomerase I gene and expression of messages with different lengths in the 3' untranslated region. Brown, S.D., Zhang, C.X., Chen, A.D., Hsieh, T.S. Gene (1998)
- Network of interactions among pair-rule genes regulating paired expression during primordial segmentation of Drosophila. Baumgartner, S., Noll, M. Mech. Dev. (1990)
- An adult male specific gene in Drosophila containing the repetitive element opa. Grabowski, D.T., Carney, J.P., Kelley, M.R. Biochim. Biophys. Acta (1991)
- The intracellular domain of teneurin-2 has a nuclear function and represses zic-1-mediated transcription. Bagutti, C., Forro, G., Ferralli, J., Rubin, B., Chiquet-Ehrismann, R. J. Cell. Sci. (2003)