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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Gene Review

Tgl1  -  triglyceride level 1

Mus musculus

Synonyms: Tg-1
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Disease relevance of Tgl1

  • We hypothesize that the following pathogenic pathway might occur in the course of type 2 diabetes: increased apoA-II level causes a rise in plasma triglyceride level and glucose intolerance, resulting in hyperglycemia, which in turn might further increase apoA-II gene transcription [1].
  • The diabetic nontransgenic mice developed hypercholesterolemia (plasma total cholesterol level: 4.55 +/- 1.32 vs. 1.97 +/- 0.13 mmol/l [176 +/- 51 vs. 76 +/- 5 mg/dl]) and hypertriglyceridemia (plasma triglyceride level: 0.82 +/- 0.29 vx. 0.42 +/- 0.11 mmol/l [73 +/- 26 vs. 37 +/- 10 mg/dl]) compared with values before induction of diabetes [2].

High impact information on Tgl1

  • Total absence of the insulin receptor (IR), demonstrated in the homozygous mutant mice, also resulted in other metabolic disorders: plasma triglyceride level could increase 6-fold and hepatic glycogen content could be five times less as compared with normal littermates [3].
  • Overexpression of Rad in muscle worsens diet-induced insulin resistance and glucose intolerance and lowers plasma triglyceride level [4].
  • Taking lower tendency of triglyceride level of RIP-G Tg into consideration, these results may indicate that the suppression of insulin secretion is likely due to the effect of desacyl ghrelin on insulin sensitivity [5].
  • Ethanol drinking did not cause any appreciable change in plasma triglyceride level and metabolism of adipose tissue [6].
  • Partial recovery was indicated by a decrease in the hepatic triglyceride level of 16 mg. per gm. by 14 weeks of exposure to 1000 p.p.m. Electron microscopic evaluation revealed that cytoplasmic altertions were most severe in centrilobular hepatocytes in the 1000 p.p.m. group and were mild to minimal in the 250 p.p.m. group [7].

Associations of Tgl1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Tgl1


Other interactions of Tgl1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Tgl1


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