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Gene Review

ppk  -  polyphosphate kinase, component of RNA...

Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655

Synonyms: ECK2497, JW2486
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Disease relevance of ppk


High impact information on ppk


Chemical compound and disease context of ppk

  • Active inclusion bodies of recombinant polyphosphate kinase were obtained by simple washing of Escherichia coli cells with nonionic detergent and then they were immobilized in agar/TiO2 beads [8].

Biological context of ppk


Anatomical context of ppk

  • PPK has been purified from overproducing cells after release from attachment to the cell outer membrane; the purified soluble PPK reassociate with cell membrane fractions [10].

Associations of ppk with chemical compounds

  • In contrast, the mutant strain carrying multiple copies of ppk and ppx produced 1/20 of the polyphosphate found in the strain carrying multiple copies of ppk only and showed no significant increase in doubling time over the same cadmium concentration range [11].

Regulatory relationships of ppk


Other interactions of ppk

  • An E. coli strain deleted for the ppk gene showed increased stability of the ompA mRNA [14].
  • In addition, a strain containing multiple copies of ppk accumulated not only a large amount of poly(P) but also recA mRNA [13].


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  9. Role of GacA, LasI, RhlI, Ppk, PsrA, Vfr and ClpXP in the regulation of the stationary-phase sigma factor rpoS/RpoS in Pseudomonas. Bertani, I., Sevo, M., Kojic, M., Venturi, V. Arch. Microbiol. (2003) [Pubmed]
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  11. Genetic manipulation of polyphosphate metabolism affects cadmium tolerance in Escherichia coli. Keasling, J.D., Hupf, G.A. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (1996) [Pubmed]
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