MeSH Review:
Hypertensive Encephalopathy
- Erythropoietin-associated hypertensive posterior leukoencephalopathy. Delanty, N., Vaughan, C., Frucht, S., Stubgen, P. Neurology (1997)
- Preeclampsia-eclampsia: clinical and neuroradiographic correlates and insights into the pathogenesis of hypertensive encephalopathy. Schwartz, R.B., Feske, S.K., Polak, J.F., DeGirolami, U., Iaia, A., Beckner, K.M., Bravo, S.M., Klufas, R.A., Chai, R.Y., Repke, J.T. Radiology. (2000)
- Controversies in selection of epoetin dosages. Issues and answers. Zachée, P. Drugs (1995)
- Correspondence: Diazoxide in treatment of severe pre-eclampsia and hypertensive encephalopathy. Perkins, R.P. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol. (1976)
- CNS Modulation of adrenal tyrosine hydroxylase in Parkinson's disease and metabolic encephalopathies. Riederer, P., Rausch, W.D., Birkmayer, W., Jellinger, K., Seemann, D. J. Neural Transm. Suppl. (1978)
- Effects of acute hypertension on brain metabolism in normotensive, renovascular hypertensive and spontaneously hypertensive rats. Fujishima, M., Onoyama, K., Oniki, H., Ogata, J., Omae, T. Stroke (1978)
- Rebound hypertension following minoxidil withdrawal. Makker, S.P., Moorthy, B. J. Pediatr. (1980)
- Pheochromocytoma crisis: the use of magnesium sulfate. James, M.F., Cronjé, L. Anesth. Analg. (2004)
- Cytotoxic edema and interleukin-6 in hypertensive encephalopathy. Takano, T., Ohno, M., Takeuchi, Y., Mandai, R., Yoshida, S. Pediatric neurology. (2002)
- Cyclosporine neurotoxicity and its relationship to hypertensive encephalopathy: CT and MR findings in 16 cases. Schwartz, R.B., Bravo, S.M., Klufas, R.A., Hsu, L., Barnes, P.D., Robson, C.D., Antin, J.H. AJR. American journal of roentgenology. (1995)
- Oral nifedipine in the treatment of hypertensive crises in patients with hypertensive encephalopathy. Komsuoğlu, S.S., Komsuoğlu, B., Ozmenoğlu, M., Ozcan, C., Gürhan, H. International journal of cardiology. (1992)
- Transient leucopenia and thrombocytopenia associated with sodium nitroprusside infusion. Moore, D.P., O'Brien, A.A., Keogh, J.A. Journal of human hypertension. (1987)
- Cocaine induced hypertensive encephalopathy. Grewal, R.P., Miller, B.L. Acta neurologica. (1991)
- Reversible intracerebral pathologic entities mediated by vascular autoregulatory dysfunction. Port, J.D., Beauchamp, N.J. Radiographics : a review publication of the Radiological Society of North America, Inc. (1998)
- Hypertensive encephalopathy: antecedent to hippocampal sclerosis and temporal lobe epilepsy? Solinas, C., Briellmann, R.S., Harvey, A.S., Mitchell, L.A., Berkovic, S.F. Neurology (2003)
- Perivascular innervation of the cerebral arteries in spontaneously hypertensive rats--an immunohistochemical study. Kawamura, K., Takebayashi, S. Angiology. (1991)
- Case report: neutrophilic CSF pleocytosis in hypertensive encephalopathy. McDonald, C.K., Waters, M.L., Griffin, F.M. Am. J. Med. Sci. (1993)
- Management of hypertensive encephalopathy. Finnerty, F.A. Herz. (1978)
- Severe hypertension after liver transplantation in alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency. Noble-Jamieson, G., Barnes, N.D., Thiru, S., Mowat, A.P. Arch. Dis. Child. (1990)