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Brain Ischemia

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Disease relevance of Brain Ischemia

  • Damage to neurons caused by focal cerebral ischemia and epileptic seizures was exacerbated in TNFR-KO mice, indicating that TNF serves a neuroprotective function [1].
  • Thus, COX-2 is transiently induced after SD and focal ischemia by activation of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid-receptors and PLA2, most prominently in cortical neurons that are at a high risk to die after focal brain ischemia [2].
  • This spectrum of pharmacologic activity suggests that TA-3090 would selectively block Ca2+ entry into cerebrovascular smooth muscle through potential-sensitive and receptor-operated Ca2+ channels that would be expected to increase in subarachnoid hemorrhage and cerebral ischemia [3].
  • Diarylguanidines are structurally unrelated to known blockers of NMDA channels and, therefore, represent a new compound series for the development of neuroprotective agents with therapeutic value in patients suffering from stroke, from brain or spinal cord trauma, from hypoglycemia, and possibly from brain ischemia due to heart attack [4].
  • Inducible NOS in glia may, by generating nitric oxide, contribute to the neuronal damage associated with cerebral ischemia and/or demyelinating diseases [5].

Psychiatry related information on Brain Ischemia


High impact information on Brain Ischemia

  • In brain ischemia, gating of postsynaptic glutamate receptors is thought to initiate Ca2+ overload leading to excitotoxic neuronal death [11].
  • The predominant site of caspase-mediated proteolysis is within the cytoplasmic tail of APP, and cleavage at this site occurs in hippocampal neurons in vivo following acute excitotoxic or ischemic brain injury [12].
  • Therapeutic use of magnesium sulfate in selected cases of cerebral ischemia and seizure [13].
  • Inactivation of the adenosine A(2A) receptor (A(2A)R) consistently protects against ischemic brain injury and other neural insults, but the relative contribution of A(2A)Rs on peripheral inflammatory cells versus A(2A)Rs expressed on neurons and glia is unknown [14].
  • MMP-9 levels were lower in tPA knockouts compared with wild-type mice after focal cerebral ischemia [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Brain Ischemia

  • Thus, under conditions that lead to lactate accumulation (cerebral ischemia) this "end product" may be a useful alternative as a substrate for energy metabolism [16].
  • DATA SYNTHESIS: Biochemical and neurophysiologic studies suggest several mechanisms by which estrogen may affect cognition: promotion of cholinergic and serotonergic activity in specific brain regions, maintenance of neural circuitry, favorable lipoprotein alterations, and prevention of cerebral ischemia [17].
  • Estrogen seems more effective as a prophylactic treatment in females at risk for cardiac and ischemic brain injury, whereas progesterone appears to be more helpful in the post-injury treatment of both male and female subjects with acute traumatic brain damage [18].
  • Considered together, these results indicate that polyamine oxidase-derived 3-aminopropanal is a mediator of the brain damaging sequelae of cerebral ischemia, which can be therapeutically modulated [19].
  • Increased Ca2+ influx through activated N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels (VDCC) is a major determinant of cell injury following brain ischemia [20].

Biological context of Brain Ischemia


Anatomical context of Brain Ischemia


Gene context of Brain Ischemia


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Brain Ischemia


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