MeSH Review:
Artificial Intelligence
- Predicting hepatitis B virus-positive metastatic hepatocellular carcinomas using gene expression profiling and supervised machine learning. Ye, Q.H., Qin, L.X., Forgues, M., He, P., Kim, J.W., Peng, A.C., Simon, R., Li, Y., Robles, A.I., Chen, Y., Ma, Z.C., Wu, Z.Q., Ye, S.L., Liu, Y.K., Tang, Z.Y., Wang, X.W. Nat. Med. (2003)
- Mining viral protease data to extract cleavage knowledge. Narayanan, A., Wu, X., Yang, Z.R. Bioinformatics (2002)
- Decision support system for classification of epilepsies in childhood. Vassilakis, K.M., Vorgia, L., Micheloyannis, S. J. Child Neurol. (2002)
- SNOSID, a proteomic method for identification of cysteine S-nitrosylation sites in complex protein mixtures. Hao, G., Derakhshan, B., Shi, L., Campagne, F., Gross, S.S. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2006)
- Drug design by machine learning: the use of inductive logic programming to model the structure-activity relationships of trimethoprim analogues binding to dihydrofolate reductase. King, R.D., Muggleton, S., Lewis, R.A., Sternberg, M.J. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1992)
- An artificial intelligence approach to the study of the structural moieties relevant to drug-receptor interactions in aldose reductase inhibitors. Klopman, G., Buyukbingol, E. Mol. Pharmacol. (1988)
- Extraction and visualization of potential pharmacophore points using support vector machines: application to ligand-based virtual screening for COX-2 inhibitors. Franke, L., Byvatov, E., Werz, O., Steinhilber, D., Schneider, P., Schneider, G. J. Med. Chem. (2005)
- Modeling of human cytochrome p450-mediated drug metabolism using unsupervised machine learning approach. Korolev, D., Balakin, K.V., Nikolsky, Y., Kirillov, E., Ivanenkov, Y.A., Savchuk, N.P., Ivashchenko, A.A., Nikolskaya, T. J. Med. Chem. (2003)
- QSAR study of ethyl 2-[(3-methyl-2,5-dioxo(3-pyrrolinyl))amino]-4-(trifluoromethyl) pyrimidine-5-carboxylate: an inhibitor of AP-1 and NF-kappa B mediated gene expression based on support vector machines. Liu, H.X., Zhang, R.S., Yao, X.J., Liu, M.C., Hu, Z.D., Fan, B.T. Journal of chemical information and computer sciences. (2003)
- Comparison efficiency of the artificial intelligence methods for the diagnosis of Acid - base and anion gap disorders. Kacki, E., Małolepszy, A. Studies in health technology and informatics. (2005)
- Use of artificial intelligence in structure-affinity correlations of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) receptor ligands. Rannug, U., Sjögren, M., Rannug, A., Gillner, M., Toftgård, R., Gustafsson, J.A., Rosenkranz, H., Klopman, G. Carcinogenesis (1991)
- The discrimination of similarly colored objects in computer images of the ocular fundus. Goldbaum, M.H., Katz, N.P., Nelson, M.R., Haff, L.R. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. (1990)
- Molecular hashkeys: a novel method for molecular characterization and its application for predicting important pharmaceutical properties of molecules. Ghuloum, A.M., Sage, C.R., Jain, A.N. J. Med. Chem. (1999)
- Tenofovir resistance and resensitization. Wolf, K., Walter, H., Beerenwinkel, N., Keulen, W., Kaiser, R., Hoffmann, D., Lengauer, T., Selbig, J., Vandamme, A.M., Korn, K., Schmidt, B. Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. (2003)
- WIZARD: AI in conformational analysis. Dolata, D.P., Leach, A.R., Prout, K. J. Comput. Aided Mol. Des. (1987)
- An artificial-intelligence technique for qualitatively deriving enzyme kinetic mechanisms from initial-velocity measurements and its application to hexokinase. Garfinkel, L., Cohen, D.M., Soo, V.W., Garfinkel, D., Kulikowski, C.A. Biochem. J. (1989)
- Development of CYP3A4 inhibition models: comparisons of machine-learning techniques and molecular descriptors. Arimoto, R., Prasad, M.A., Gifford, E.M. Journal of biomolecular screening : the official journal of the Society for Biomolecular Screening. (2005)
- Using surrogate modeling in the prediction of fibrinogen adsorption onto polymer surfaces. Smith, J.R., Knight, D., Kohn, J., Rasheed, K., Weber, N., Kholodovych, V., Welsh, W.J. Journal of chemical information and computer sciences. (2004)
- Prediction of P-glycoprotein substrates by a support vector machine approach. Xue, Y., Yap, C.W., Sun, L.Z., Cao, Z.W., Wang, J.F., Chen, Y.Z. Journal of chemical information and computer sciences. (2004)
- Computerized neuropsychological assessment of cognitive functioning in children with epilepsy. Alpherts, W.C., Aldenkamp, A.P. Epilepsia (1990)