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Gene Review

AKR1B1  -  aldo-keto reductase family 1, member B1...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: ADR, ALDR1, ALR2, AR, Aldehyde reductase, ...
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Disease relevance of AKR1B1


Psychiatry related information on AKR1B1

  • In addition to polyol synthesis, aldose reductase may have multiple other activities that intersect with signal processing and oxidative defense mechanisms [3].
  • Results from both dose-response and time-response studies strongly suggest a functional role for ADR in IL 2 mediated T cell growth [4].
  • The effects of dexmedetomidine, a subtype-nonselective alpha 2-AR agonist, on monoamine turnover in brain and on locomotor activity were similar in mice with targeted inactivation of the alpha 2C-AR gene and in their controls, but the hypothermic effect of the alpha 2-AR agonist was significantly attenuated by the receptor gene inactivation [5].
  • Excessive daytime sleepiness, which had occurred in the cases as an H1-antihistamine-induced ADR, was assessed by the Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), and an ESS score >/=12 was considered hypersomnia [6].
  • Erythrocyte aldose reductase correlates with erectile dysfunction in diabetic patients [7].

High impact information on AKR1B1


Chemical compound and disease context of AKR1B1


Biological context of AKR1B1


Anatomical context of AKR1B1


Associations of AKR1B1 with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of AKR1B1


Enzymatic interactions of AKR1B1


Regulatory relationships of AKR1B1


Other interactions of AKR1B1

  • Many of the compounds which are substrates for AKR1A1 also serve as substrates for AKR1B1, though the latter enzyme was shown to display a specific activity significantly less than that of AKR1A1 for most of the aromatic and aliphatic aldehydes studied [18].
  • The members of all three superfamilies exhibit similar and low K(m) values for retinoids (0.12-1.1 microM), whilst they strongly differ in their kcat values, which range from 0.35 min(-1) for AKR1B1 to 302 min(-1) for ADH4 [22].
  • Human AR and HSI AR were very efficient in the reduction of all- trans -, 9- cis - and 13- cis -retinal ( k (cat)/ K (m)=1100-10300 mM(-1).min(-1)), constituting the first cytosolic NADP(H)-dependent retinal reductases described in humans [20].
  • The activities of aldose reductase and 3 alpha-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 (106 and 35 nmol/mg/min, respectively) were higher than those of the other enzymes (0.2-4.0 nmol/mg/min) [31].
  • These observations suggest that AR is a critical regulator of TNF-alpha-induced apoptotic signaling in endothelial cells [26].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of AKR1B1


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