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Decision Trees

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Disease relevance of Decision Trees

  • The proposed "decision tree" classifies subjects into five subgroups with different risks of GAC and peptic ulcer, based on the information of age, serum pepsinogen and gastrin levels [1].
  • Computerized decision-tree analysis and simulation modeling were used to evaluate control and eradication strategies for pseudorabies virus (PRV) in swine [2].
  • OBJECTIVE: To establish whether a decision tree based on a combination of clinical, morphological and biochemical parameters could be constructed to help in the selection of women with tubal ectopic pregnancies for expectant management [3].
  • In the application to four protease datasets (Trypsin, Factor Xa, Hepatitis C Virus and HIV protease cleavage site prediction), our algorithm is superior to C5, a conventional method for deriving decision trees [4].
  • Based on the International Life Science Institute (ILSI) risk decision tree, the methods are discussed and three scenarios are suggested: (i) testing for a well-known allergen; (ii) testing for a well-known allergen, but with no previous history of food allergy; and (iii) testing for unknown allergens and cross-reactivity with known allergens [5].

Psychiatry related information on Decision Trees

  • The Decision Tree and Clinical Paths for Assessment and Management of ADHD identify the critical components of care through a stepwise decision-making process involving the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and outcome evaluation of children who present with ADHD symptomatology [6].

High impact information on Decision Trees

  • As an illustration, a decision tree constructed using data from Col-0 during diurnal changes and a prolonged dark treatment was used to show that, irrespective of the time of harvest during the diurnal cycle, the pgm mutant resembles a wild-type plant that has been exposed to a 3 d prolongation of the night [7].
  • A decision tree algorithm identified classifiers for response to celecoxib with relatively high sensitivity but moderate to low specificity [8].
  • Diagnostic and therapeutic challenges are highlighted, and a decision tree to guide treatment in patients with early or established RA is provided [9].
  • METHODS: The decision tree simulated a 25-year-old HD patient who relapsed less than 12 months after mechlorethamine, vincristine, procarbazine, and prednisone (MOPP) chemotherapy [10].
  • This review presents a decision tree analysis of risk of progression to IDDM, highlights the different prognosis of markers when applied to those with and without a family history of the disease, and proposes a strategy for disease prediction in the latter [11].

Biological context of Decision Trees

  • An evaluation of the decision tree format of the American College of Rheumatology 1987 classification criteria for rheumatoid arthritis: performance over five years in a primary care-based prospective study [12].
  • Of the 47 quantitative variables, the decision tree technique retained 8: i.e., 2 tissue architecture-, 2 DNA ploidy level-, 2 morphonuclear-, 1 lectin histochemical-, and 1 vimentin immunostain-related variables [13].
  • The decision tree, consisting of the FT and the Lesch Typology Questionnaire, distinguishes four subgroups of nicotine-dependent persons [14].
  • A classification and regression decision tree with the same variables predicted AUR (AUC = 0.74, sensitivity = 72%, specificity = 67%) as well as did a tree with PSA alone (AUC = 0.70, sensitivity = 75%, specificity = 64%) [15].
  • The decision tree is readily interpretable from a clinical perspective and uses five out of the seven predictors (in descending hierarchical order: ever had asthma, current asthma, shortness of breath, atopy and wheezing and breathless) [16].

Associations of Decision Trees with chemical compounds

  • METHODS: A decision tree was used to assess the cost and the expected quality-adjusted years of life (QALY) after treatment with either low-molecular-weight heparin or warfarin, based on pooled data from six published trials [17].
  • A decision tree was devised to compare the costs per patient of two different strategies: (a) systematic performance of post-treatment urea breath test and new treatment if positive; and (b) clinical follow-up, 13C-urea breath test if dyspeptic symptoms recurred and eradication treatment if the test was positive [18].
  • In comparison to the accuracy of the differentiation after calcium and oxalate of 80% and 75.6%, respectively, the decision tree showed an accuracy of 97.8% [19].
  • RESULTS: Six competing strategies (MTZ trial, CIP trial, MTZ-then-CIP trial, CIP-then-MTZ trial, pouch endoscopy with biopsy, and pouch endoscopy without biopsy) were modeled in a decision tree [20].
  • DATA SOURCES: Conditional probabilities for the decision trees were derived from cholesterol distributions in national population-based surveys [21].

Gene context of Decision Trees

  • OBJECTIVE: To elaborate a clinical practice decision tree for the choice of the first disease modifying antirheumatic drug (DMARD) for untreated rheumatoid arthritis of less than six months' duration [22].
  • Compared to the independent RP models (obtained by considering each activity separately), the PUMP-RP decision trees provide easier identification and interpretation of those descriptors that are common to both COX-1 and COX-2 activities [23].
  • In the decision tree, only four antibodies (alpha CK7, alpha CEA, alpha ER, and alpha GCDFP-15) were used to obtain a correct classification score of 89% for the learning set and 84% for the test set [24].
  • A decision tree was designed to simulate, over 12 months, the clinical and economic outcomes of patients newly started on warfarin associated with two alternatives: (1) no genotyping (non-genotyped group) and (2) CYP2C9 genotyping prior to initiation of warfarin therapy (genotyped group) [25].
  • Preliminary field testing supports the clinical utility and validity of the ADHD Decision Tree/Paths [6].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Decision Trees

  • CONCLUSION: SELDI-TOF-MS technology allows rapid analysis of many serum samples, and use of decision tree boosting analysis as the main statistical method allowed us to propose a pattern of protein peaks specific for RA [26].
  • STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: A decision tree was used to compare a hypothetical strategy of no epoetin with one in which epoetin was utilized to control blood transfusion needs in CABG; each strategy was tested with and without ABD [27].
  • MLMs usually represent either rules that can be encoded, such as generating a warning that the potassium concentration is decreasing in a patient taking digoxin, or complex decision trees for individual patient care plans and clinical protocols [28].
  • The decision tree in this article helps the critical care nurse to minimize or prevent complications of shunting from nitroprusside therapy [29].
  • During strict application of this decision tree to 1429 consecutive hepatectomies, of which 685 were performed on HCC patients, during the last 10 years, we encountered only a single mortality [30].


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