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Nurse Practitioners

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Disease relevance of Nurse Practitioners


Psychiatry related information on Nurse Practitioners


High impact information on Nurse Practitioners

  • Nurse practitioner redux [6].
  • In the intervention clinic (n = 898), a nurse practitioner used novel clinical software (PopMan) to identify patients on a weekly basis with outlying values for visit and testing intervals and last measured levels of HbA1c, LDL cholesterol, and blood pressure [7].
  • A program to increase health care for children: the pediatric nurse practitioner program, by Henry K. Silver, MD, Loretta C. Ford, EdD, and Susan G. Stearly, MS, Pediatrics, 1967;39:756-760 [8].
  • Finally, the pooling algorithm results were compared to culture results for a subset of 344 students from the original 600 HSS from whom cervical or urethral samples were taken at the discretion of the school nurse practitioners [9].
  • BACKGROUND: While MD adherence to U.S. Preventive Services Task Force guidelines has been found to be uneven, nurse practitioners (NPs) and their adherence to guidelines have not been closely examined [10].

Biological context of Nurse Practitioners


Anatomical context of Nurse Practitioners


Associations of Nurse Practitioners with chemical compounds


Gene context of Nurse Practitioners


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Nurse Practitioners


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