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Neural Inhibition

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Disease relevance of Neural Inhibition


High impact information on Neural Inhibition


Biological context of Neural Inhibition

  • GABA and its agonists, as well as benzodiazepines and barbiturates, induce neural inhibition as a consequence of their interaction with specific binding sites for each of these classes of neuroactive substances on the GABA receptor complex of postsynaptic neurons [8].

Anatomical context of Neural Inhibition


Associations of Neural Inhibition with chemical compounds


Gene context of Neural Inhibition

  • The data suggest that failure of neural inhibition induced by FG-7142 engages NMDA receptor processes to produce lasting potentiation of transmission in neural circuits that mediate defensive response with behavioral consequences [16].
  • The results were interpreted in terms of the interaction between arousal and task demands and a neural inhibition model of the P300 was discussed [17].
  • It has been suggested that liver failure leads to the accumulation of substances that bind to a receptor-complex in the brain resulting in neural inhibition which may progress to coma [18].


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