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Gene Review

Jra  -  Jun-related antigen

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: AP-1, AP1, CG2275, D-Jun, D-jun, ...
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Disease relevance of Jra

  • Furthermore, overexpression of c-Jun and c-Fos results in fourfold activation of the promoter in PCC-4 embryonal carcinoma cells [1].
  • Overexpression of the c-Jun proto-oncogene in MCF7 breast cancer cells results in a variety of phenotype changes related to malignant progression including increased motility and invasion [2].
  • Perturbation of the cell death mechanisms leads to various disorders, including neurodegenerative diseases, immunodeficiency diseases, and tumors. c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) has crucial roles in the regulation of cell death in response to many stimuli [3].
  • Downmodulation of transcription factor activity through interaction with a cellular factor has been observed in several other systems, including the regulation of transcription factor E2F by retinoblastoma protein, and in studies of c-Jun [4].
  • Mutant Db11 was used for the isolation of two phages, phi J and phi K, which grew on Db10, Db11 and Db12, but not on three reference strains of S. marcescens [5].

High impact information on Jra

  • Observations from genetic epistasis and RNA quantification experiments indicate that AP-1 acts upstream of CREB, regulates levels of CREB messenger RNA, and functions at the top of the hierarchy of transcription factors known to regulate long-term plasticity [6].
  • Excess brk expression activates the c-Jun amino-terminal kinase pathway, which in turn triggers apoptosis in these cells [7].
  • The c-Jun amino-terminal kinases (JNKs) of the mitogen-activated protein kinase superfamily are involved in apoptotic signalling in various cultured cells [8].
  • Common and distinct roles of DFos and DJun during Drosophila development [9].
  • The Drosophila homolog of c-Jun regulates epithelial cell shape changes during the process of dorsal closure in mid-embryogenesis [9].

Biological context of Jra

  • Drosophila Jun is shown to be involved in different signal transduction pathways and developmental decisions [10].
  • The Drosophila Jun-N-terminal kinase is required for cell morphogenesis but not for DJun-dependent cell fate specification in the eye [11].
  • These results indicate that dFRA is a developmentally regulated transcription factor and suggest that its potential interplay with dJRA plays an important role in cell-type-specific transcription during Drosophila embryonic development [12].
  • Interestingly, in vertebrates, transforming growth factor-beta and c-Jun regulate collagenase gene expression during wound healing, a process that also involves the closing of an epithelial sheath [13].
  • We have characterized mutations in the Drosophila homolog of the mammalian proto-oncogene c-Jun gene (Djun) [14].

Anatomical context of Jra


Associations of Jra with chemical compounds

  • The predicted amino acid sequences reveal that both proteins contain a bipartite DNA-binding domain consisting of a leucine repeat and an adjacent basic region, which are characteristic of members of the AP-1 family [12].
  • Via a direct interaction with the basic region of Drosophila Jun (D-Jun), MBF1 prevents an oxidative modification (S-cystenyl cystenylation) of the critical cysteine and stimulates AP-1 binding to DNA [18].
  • Molecular cloning and characterization of human JNKK2, a novel Jun NH2-terminal kinase-specific kinase [19].
  • Downregulation of lipopolysaccharide response in Drosophila by negative crosstalk between the AP1 and NF-kappaB signaling modules [20].
  • Drosophila embryonic dorsal closure (DC) requires both integrin function and c-Jun amino-terminal kinase (JNK) signaling for opposed epithelial sheets to migrate, meet, and suture [21].

Physical interactions of Jra

  • In addition, a chimeric promoter consisting of six tandem high affinity Sp1-binding sites fused with the CAT gene was transactivated by overexpressed c-Jun in HepG2 cells [22].

Regulatory relationships of Jra


Other interactions of Jra


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Jra


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