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Disease relevance of Dacryocystitis


High impact information on Dacryocystitis


Chemical compound and disease context of Dacryocystitis


Anatomical context of Dacryocystitis


Gene context of Dacryocystitis

  • PURPOSE: To evaluate the effect of tumor necrosis factor (TNF) inhibitor protein on lacrimal gland immunopathology and ocular surface disease resulting from induced dacryoadenitis [13].
  • CONCLUSION: Dacryocystitis due to MRSA was resistant to conservative therapy [5].
  • Experimental autoimmune dacryoadenitis: purification and characterization of a lacrimal gland antigen [14].
  • Atrophic acini in dacryoadenitis reacted with antibodies (ABs) KL1 and Pkk1 (CK 7, 8, 17, 18) in a manner similar to ducts [9].
  • Epithelia in dacryoadenitis reacted weakly but consistently with Lf while revealing weak and inconsistent staining for Ly [9].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Dacryocystitis


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  8. High incidence of autoimmune dacryoadenitis in male non-obese diabetic (NOD) mice depending on sex steroid. Takahashi, M., Ishimaru, N., Yanagi, K., Haneji, N., Saito, I., Hayashi, Y. Clin. Exp. Immunol. (1997) [Pubmed]
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  13. Tumor necrosis factor inhibitor gene expression suppresses lacrimal gland immunopathology in a rabbit model of autoimmune dacryoadenitis. Zhu, Z., Stevenson, D., Schechter, J.E., Mircheff, A.K., Crow, R.W., Atkinson, R., Ritter, T., Bose, S., Trousdale, M.D. Cornea (2003) [Pubmed]
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