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Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases

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Disease relevance of Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases


High impact information on Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases

  • Over 16 months, 423 patients with epithelial-derived thyroid cancer were provided routine clinical care; 390 of these patients had received (131)I ablation or therapy, and 10 patients subsequently reported epiphora [6].
  • Reduced levels of mucin mRNA in a nonfunctioning though patent segment of the lacrimal passage, which is associated with epiphora, suggests that mucins ease tear flow through the efferent tear ducts [7].
  • Although two patients (11%) receiving every-3-weeks docetaxel plus doxorubicin reported transient symptoms of epiphora, neither patient was found to have narrowing of the canaliculi, and the epiphora was not severe enough to justify surgical intervention [8].
  • MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Relief or reduction of epiphora and discharge [9].
  • CONCLUSION: There is a group of patients with unexplained epiphora due to a medial canthal anomaly, which the authors have termed Centurion syndrome [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases

  • PURPOSE: To assess technical problems related to implantation of a polyurethane stent to treat obstructive epiphora, and to assess the long-term patency of the nasolacrimal system [11].
  • Two patients exhibited recurrent epiphora, beginning one to two days after each administration of fluorouracil and resolving in two to three days [12].
  • Each of three patients receiving this antimetabolite alone and one patient receiving it in combination with methotrexate and cyclophosphamide were studied for complaints of epiphora [12].
  • In patients with indoor epiphora, the fluorescein dye disappearance test values were significantly reduced [13].
  • The goal of this study was to compare high resolution MR surface coil imaging with DS-DCG to determine the value of gadolinium-enhanced MR dacryocystography (MR-DCG) in patients with epiphora [14].

Anatomical context of Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases

  • Abstract Centurion syndrome is an uncommon, idiopathic medial canthal anomaly that causes epiphora due to the forward displacement of the lacrimal punctum out of the tear lake associated with the abnormal anterior insertion of the medial canthal tendon and enophthalmos [15].
  • PURPOSE: Congenital nasolacrimal duct obstruction is a common condition, and its diagnosis must be based more on regular in-time epiphora than mattering [16].

Gene context of Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases

  • This paper reports a case of congenital anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia presenting to the ophthalmologist with epiphora due to lacrimal atresia [17].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Endonasal nasolacrimal intubation and endonasal DCR are safe and effective procedures for the management of persistent epiphora in children [18].
  • The triad of symptoms commonly found in these patients includes epiphora, bloody reflux from the lacrimal punctum, and a medial canthal mass [19].
  • Recently, we treated a 19-year-old male college student for epiphora due to bilateral ectropion associated with McArdle's syndrome, a myophosphorylase deficiency [20].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases


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