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AC1L3MR4     2-[1-(3-chloroprop-2- enoxyamino)propyliden...

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Disease relevance of Select

  • Several investigators and the Select Committee on GRAS Substances suggest that the incidence of salt-dependent hypertension could be significantly decreased in a society such as ours if salt intake were reduced from the present level of approximately 10 g/day to 12 g/day [1].
  • CONCLUSION: Select cytokines, generated in response to RV infection, can increase vascular permeability and might provide a mechanism by which RV infection can lead to edema, cellular infiltration, and inflammation and thus compromised airflow [2].
  • In Vitro Studies with DQ-113 and Comparison Fluoroquinolones To Determine Propensities To Select Resistance in Gram-Positive Cocci [3].
  • CONCLUSION: This IMX Select Chlamydia enzyme immunoassay, which generates laboratory results within 2 hours, performed better than culture and an established enzyme immunoassay on male urethral swabs [4].
  • CONCLUSION: There is a group of patients with unexplained epiphora due to a medial canthal anomaly, which the authors have termed Centurion syndrome [5].

Psychiatry related information on Select

  • METHOD: Select subscales of the MSQLI and other measures of mental health and physical functioning were administered by telephone to 30 randomly selected older ( >or= 60) individuals and a gender-matched sample of younger ( < 60) individuals [6].
  • Subjects were twenty-one children aged 3 to 4 years (12 boys and 9 girls) at a nursery in Toyama Prefecture, Japan. Children were equipped with the Actiwatch (Mini-mitter Company Inc.) activity monitor and the Caloriecounter Select II (Kenz, Co, Ltd) for three consecutive weekdays to assess their daily physical activity levels [7].
  • 6. Select quality of life measures with published psychometric properties [8].

High impact information on Select

  • Finally, in some settings, CPP32 is required for certain apoptotic events but not others: Select CPP32(ex3-/-) cell types undergoing cell death are incapable of chromatin condensation and DNA degradation, but display other hallmarks of apoptosis [9].
  • Total RNA was used in suppression subtractive hybridization (CLONTECH PCR Select) to produce two subtracted cDNA libraries enriched for genes expressed during or before labor, labor and not-in-labor libraries, respectively [10].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Select patients with metastatic penile cancer that shows disease stabilization or a response to chemotherapy should be considered for surgical consolidation to extend survival [11].
  • An 8x draft genome was obtained and annotated for Ralstonia solanacearum race 3 biovar 2 (R3B2) strain UW551, a United States Department of Agriculture Select Agent isolated from geranium [12].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Select patients may be treated with IL-2 based immunotherapy with the primary renal tumors in place with morbidity [13].

Chemical compound and disease context of Select


Biological context of Select

  • Hyaluronic acid (Sperm Select) improves retention of sperm motility and velocity in normospermic and oligospermic specimens [16].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Select changes in myocardial gene expression occur in response to increased intracranial pressure and implicate ventricular remodeling in the myocardial dysfunction associated with acute brain death [17].
  • Previous studies provided subjects with single meals containing in excess of 120 g of fat; the 30 g of fat ingested by our subjects, ca. 33% of total caloric intake, is near that recommended by the U.S. Senate, Select Committee on Nutritional and Human Needs [18].
  • The diagnostic significance of sperm penetration assays based on a commercially available hyaluronate preparation (Sperm Select) has been investigated in the male partners of 77 couples characterized by a normal female partner [19].
  • Here we demonstrate that there is a significantly reduced fertility in the Rb homozygotes (P < 0.001), based on litter size; and that with the Sperm Select Penetration assay Rb-bearing sperm have significantly decreased (P < 0.02-0.001) rates of penetration of hyaluronic acid [20].

Anatomical context of Select


Associations of Select with other chemical compounds

  • DESIGN: Ten normal semen specimens were prospectively collected and samples were prepared by simple washing and by migration into sodium hyaluronate using the Sperm Select System (Select Medical Systems, Williston, VT) [23].
  • The higher number of pubertal heifers at Location 2 was associated with a reduced variance in the interval to estrus among MGA Select treated heifers [26].
  • Average inbreeding coefficients in litters by the fifth generation were 10.3 and 11.2% for C and S lines, respectively [27].
  • Legal advisory committees, most notably the Chief Medical Officer's Expert Group and the House of Lords' Select Committee, have offered various reasons, which can also be found in the ethics literature, to justify this change [28].
  • In Exp. 2, 164 cows were treated with the Select Synch + NORG treatment and were inseminated either after estrus or at 16 h after a second GnRH injection (given 48 h after PGF2alpha) [29].

Gene context of Select

  • RESULTS: Select neuronal cells in all cases demonstrated strong MAP2 immunoreactivity [30].
  • Doses (0, 2.5, 5, 10, and 20 microg/100 kg of BW) of a GHRH analog were assigned randomly to each heifer (4 CL, 4 SL), steer (4 CL, 4 SL), and bull (3 CL, 3 SL) calf and administered on consecutive days at approximately 3, 6, and 10 mo of age (periods; P1, P2, and P3) [31].
  • STUDY DESIGN AND METHODS: Sera from 246 Gran Chaco Indians were evaluated for HTLV antibodies with the use of four ELISAs (Retrotek HTLV-I; Cambridge Biotech rgp21 enhanced HTLV-I/II; Vironostika HTLV-I/II; and Select HTLV-I/II), and a WB assay [32].
  • Participants also wore three accelerometers (Computer Science and Applications [CSA], Inc. model 7164; Caltrac; and Kenz Select 2) and the Yamax SW-701 electronic pedometer [33].
  • The pulmonary arterial pressure (PAP) was lower in MP Select than in MP Base broilers [34].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Select

  • Immunotherapy with Tacrolimus (FK506) Does Not Select for Resistance to Calcineurin Inhibitors in Candida albicans Isolates from Liver Transplant Patients [35].
  • Both specimen types were tested with IMX Select, the other swab was cultured, and a part of the first void urine was tested by Chlamydiazyme enzyme immunoassay [4].
  • BACKGROUND: In its recent report 'Human Reproductive Technologies and the Law', the House of Commons' Select Committee on Science and Technology called for greater efforts to establish the potential demographic impact of sex selection across all sectors of UK society [36].
  • A modified Sperm Select protocol is described that further increases motile sperm yield without a centrifugation step [16].
  • Of the 160 specimens confirmed as anti-HTLV-I/II positive by Western blot, 6.2% were negative or untypable in the Synth EIA compared with 13.7% in the Select EIA [37].


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