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Genes, p53

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Disease relevance of Genes, p53


High impact information on Genes, p53

  • IMPLICATIONS: The possible interaction of chronic HBV infection and p53 gene mutation, suggested by these data, indicates a mechanism by which HBV infection beginning early in life could contribute to the subsequent development of HCC [6].
  • The chimeric (p53(KI)) allele thus appears to provide a biological equivalent to the endogenous murine (p53(+)) gene [7].
  • Ribozyme derivatives that combine a mutation which indirectly slows down the rate of the chemical cleavage step by weakening guanosine binding with additional mutations that weaken substrate binding have greatly enhanced specificity with short oligonucleotide substrates and an mRNA fragment derived from the p53 gene [8].
  • Cell death was preceded by dose-dependent increase in p21(WAF1/CIP1) expression, without apparent stabilisation of the TP53 gene product [9].
  • However, it is uncertain whether p53 overexpression really reflects p53 gene mutation or loss of p53 function. p21WAF1, an inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases, is activated by wild-type p53 protein, not by mutant type [10].

Biological context of Genes, p53

  • Furthermore, PADPRP inhibitors potentiated apoptosis induced by TZM in Jurkat cells, which possess a mutated p53 gene and are tolerant to O6-methylguanine adducts [11].
  • Following amplification of exons 5 to 8 of the p53 gene by means of the polymerase chain reaction technique, single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis disclosed an anomalous migration pattern in 23 of the 39 p53+ tumors and in four of the 35 p53- tumors analyzed [12].
  • We studied the correlation between the morphology of the lesions; their clonality based on immunoglobulin (Ig) heavy chain gene rearrangement analysis and immunohistochemistry; their proliferative activity as measured by immunoperoxidase staining for the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and the presence of p53 gene product overexpression [13].
  • Initially described as an oncogene, at the end of the 1980s, the wild-type p53 gene (TP53) was later shown to be capable of suppressing the proliferation of transformed cells [14].
  • Locally, luteal cytokines may be involved in the up-regulation of NOS activity, while downstream NO may inhibit steroroidogenesis and induce expression of p53 gene after removal of the protective action of progesterone [15].
  • Stabilization and activation of p53 are regulated independently by different phosphorylation events [16].

Associations of Genes, p53 with chemical compounds

  • Phenol-chloroform-extracted DNA specimens were employed for the detection of HBV infection and p53 gene mutations [17].
  • Effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals on distinct expression patterns of estrogen receptor, cytochrome P450 aromatase and p53 genes in oryzias latipes liver [18].

Gene context of Genes, p53

  • By contrast, a 34-bp deletion in exon 7 of the TP53 (p53) gene was detected [19].
  • In 8 of the 9 tumors, mutation of p53 gene or overexpression of MDM2, or both, was detected [20].
  • This blockage was noted as a decrease in the level of amplification of the fragments of a transcribed gene (beta-actin), an inducible gene (p53), and a nontranscribed one (IgE, heavy chain) [21].



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