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Public Policy

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Disease relevance of Public Policy


Psychiatry related information on Public Policy

  • The IRS did not develop a new theory of accreditation but drew up a methodology for assessing public policies, which internalised accreditation philosophy and was based on a theory of the decision-making process [3].
  • Current data, if confirmed, would suggest public policy changes, such as payment of entitlement money to cocaine users through a third-party payee and stipulated treatment for psychiatric patients with substance use disorders as a condition of payment [4].

High impact information on Public Policy

  • Public policy recommendations with regard to the use of vitamin E supplements should await the results of additional studies [5].
  • CONTEXT: Despite recent studies that failed to show catastrophic effects of prenatal cocaine exposure, popular attitudes and public policies still reflect the belief that cocaine is a uniquely dangerous teratogen [6].
  • This paper reviews the overall methodologic and public policy context surrounding pharmaco-epidemiology in the 1980s and then depicts an evolving program in pharmaco-epidemiology at one company, Burroughs Wellcome, as an example of one possible contributor [7].
  • Public policy should reflect the fact that nicotine and alcohol should be viewed as dependence-producing drugs [8].
  • Concerns about cholesterol lowering and spontaneously low cholesterols should be pursued but should not interfere with the implementation of current public policies to reduce the still heavy burden of atherosclerosis in Western society [9].

Biological context of Public Policy


Associations of Public Policy with chemical compounds


Gene context of Public Policy


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Public Policy


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