MeSH Review:
Public Policy
- Hepatitis C in methadone maintenance patients: prevalence and public policy implications. McCarthy, J.J., Flynn, N. Journal of addictive diseases : the official journal of the ASAM, American Society of Addiction Medicine. (2001)
- Prenatal cocaine exposure and child development: what do we know and what do we do? Lester, B.M., LaGasse, L.L., Bigsby, R. Seminars in speech and language. (1998)
- Accreditation manual for nephrology. Oliva, D. The International journal of artificial organs. (1998)
- Temporal patterns of veterans' psychiatric service utilization, disability payments, and cocaine use. Grossman, L.S., Willer, J.K., Miller, N.S., Stovall, J.G., McRae, S.G., Maxwell, S. Journal of psychoactive drugs. (1997)
- Vitamin E consumption and the risk of coronary heart disease in men. Rimm, E.B., Stampfer, M.J., Ascherio, A., Giovannucci, E., Colditz, G.A., Willett, W.C. N. Engl. J. Med. (1993)
- Growth, development, and behavior in early childhood following prenatal cocaine exposure: a systematic review. Frank, D.A., Augustyn, M., Knight, W.G., Pell, T., Zuckerman, B. JAMA (2001)
- Pharmaco-epidemiology--drugs, arthritis, and neoplasms: industry contribution to the data. Tilson, H.H., Whisnant, J. Am. J. Med. (1985)
- Our society's response to the addictions. Bromley, J.W. Clin. Chem. (1992)
- Cholesterol and public policy. LaRosa, J.C. Atherosclerosis (1994)
- Summary of the 1993 Teratology Society Public Affairs Committee Symposium: "Folic Acid Prevention of Neural Tube Defects: Public Policy Issues". Burk, D.T., Mirkes, P.E. Teratology (1994)
- Impact of nursing research on public policy: an examination of ANA research priority statements. Werley, H.H., Westlake, S.K. Journal of professional nursing : official journal of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (1985)
- American College of Preventive Medicine public policy on needle-exchange programs to reduce drug-associated morbidity and mortality. Ferrini, R. American journal of preventive medicine. (2000)
- The public policy importance of the Northern Territory's Living with Alcohol Program, 1992-2002. Holder, H.D. Addiction (2005)
- Plant sources of vitamin A and human nutriture: how much is still too little? Solomons, N.W. Nutr. Rev. (1999)
- From practice research to public policy--the Ministerial Summit on Health Research. Bell, S. The Annals of pharmacotherapy. (2005)
- Continuing education as an essential component of World Health Organization manpower development policies and strategies in the European Region. Vodoratski, V. Medical education. (1988)
- Place of work, communities and municipalities. Ritson, B. Addiction (1997)
- Outcomes evaluation in TBI rehabilitation. Part III: Ethical perspectives and social policy. Banja, J., Johnston, M.V. Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation. (1994)
- Cystic fibrosis: molecular diagnosis, population screening, and public policy. Grody, W.W. Arch. Pathol. Lab. Med. (1999)
- Population control II: The population establishment today. Hartmann, B. International journal of health services : planning, administration, evaluation. (1997)
- Multiple sclerosis: paradox and public policy. Booss, J. Journal of rehabilitation research and development. (2002)
- Methotrexate use in rheumatoid arthritis. A Clinician's perspective. Alarcón, G.S. Immunopharmacology (2000)
- Sterilization in Thailand. Muangman, V., Gojaseni, P. Scandinavian journal of urology and nephrology. Supplementum. (1987)