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Disease relevance of Vasectomy


High impact information on Vasectomy

  • Vasectomy and cholesterol [6].
  • In the series there were 17 women aged 39 to 45 years who were otherwise apparently healthy and had had a natural menopause, hysterectomy, or tubal ligation or whose spouse had had a vasectomy [7].
  • Since a high proportion of normal individuals develop antibodies against Sp17 following vasectomy, Sp17 is likely to be a highly immunogenic protein in vivo [8].
  • Systemic biochemical indexes of sympathetic nerve functionplasma catecholamine concentrations and serum dopamine-beta-hydroxylase activitywere correlated with regional indexesnorepinephrine concentration activities of norepinephrine biosynthetic enzymes in the vas deferensānd with blood pressures and pulse rates of 57 men at the time of vasectomy [9].
  • Risk factors were previous exposure to protamine, diabetes, history of receiving protamine-containing insulin, and possibly vasectomy [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Vasectomy


Biological context of Vasectomy


Anatomical context of Vasectomy


Associations of Vasectomy with chemical compounds

  • Plasma concentrations of testosterone (T), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH) and percent binding of T to plasma protein (TB) were studied in 16 normal fertile men and in 81 men who had undergone vasectomy from 1 to 5 yr earlier [25].
  • In men who underwent vasectomy 20 years or more ago testosterone was higher than in corresponding controls [26].
  • Irrigation during vasectomy: a comparison between sterile water and the spermicide euflavine [27].
  • Two paired randomized trials testing topical anesthesia with a eutetic mixture of local anesthetics (EMLA cream*) in vasectomy were performed [28].
  • RESULTS: Men who underwent vasectomy 10 to 19 years previously had higher dihydrotestosterone levels than age matched controls [26].

Gene context of Vasectomy

  • In this study to define the boundaries of antigenic regions and epitope recognition pattern, recombinant deletion mutants spanning the entire protein coding sequence and a human NASP cDNA sublibrary were screened with vasectomy patients' sera [29].
  • The concentration of Tf was positively correlated with that of S-Tf-R both in cases with spermatozoa present (r = 0.66, P < 0.001), and in cases with azoospermia of testicular origin (r = 0.51, P < 0.05) but not in vasectomy cases [30].
  • These findings demonstrate that SMCP is a sperm autoantigen, recognized following vasectomy, and an isoantigen, recognized by antibodies generated through isologous immunization with sperm [31].
  • Similarly, HE2 transcriptional and translational products normally expressed in the caput epididymidis were not affected by vasectomy [32].
  • Activin A was also present in seminal plasma in normal men but was undetectable following vasectomy, thus deriving from the testis [33].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Vasectomy


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