MeSH Review:
- Changes in serum sterols of rats treated with 7-dehydrocholesterol-delta 7-reductase inhibitors: comparison to levels in humans with Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome. Wolf, C., Chevy, F., Pham, J., Kolf-Clauw, M., Citadelle, D., Mulliez, N., Roux, C. J. Lipid Res. (1996)
- Behavioral evaluations in developmental toxicity testing: MARTA survey results. Lochry, E.A., Johnson, C., Wier, P.J. Neurotoxicology and teratology. (1994)
- Recommendations on the use of folic acid supplementation to prevent the recurrence of neural tube defects. Clinical Teratology Committee, Canadian College of Medical Geneticists. Van Allen, M.I., Fraser, F.C., Dallaire, L., Allanson, J., McLeod, D.R., Andermann, E., Friedman, J.M. CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne. (1993)
- Developmental toxicity of the dopamine agonist pergolide mesylate in CD-1 mice. I: Gestational exposure. Buelke-Sam, J., Byrd, R.A., Johnson, J.A., Tizzano, J.P., Owen, N.V. Neurotoxicology and teratology. (1991)
- The study of malformations "by the company they keep". Miller, M.T., Strömland, K. Transactions of the American Ophthalmological Society. (1992)
- The effects of cocaine on maternal behaviors in the rat. Zimmerberg, B., Gray, M.S. Physiol. Behav. (1992)
- Rapid-eye-movement sleep in jittery infants. Shimohira, M., Iwakawa, Y., Kohyama, J. Early Hum. Dev. (2002)
- Teratology of retinoids. Collins, M.D., Mao, G.E. Annu. Rev. Pharmacol. Toxicol. (1999)
- Retinoic acid receptor alpha function in vertebrate limb skeletogenesis: a modulator of chondrogenesis. Cash, D.E., Bock, C.B., Schughart, K., Linney, E., Underhill, T.M. J. Cell Biol. (1997)
- Rho kinases play an obligatory role in vertebrate embryonic organogenesis. Wei, L., Roberts, W., Wang, L., Yamada, M., Zhang, S., Zhao, Z., Rivkees, S.A., Schwartz, R.J., Imanaka-Yoshida, K. Development (2001)
- A maternal Ahr null genotype sensitizes embryos to chemical teratogenesis. Thomae, T.L., Glover, E., Bradfield, C.A. J. Biol. Chem. (2004)
- Murine teratology of fluconazole: evaluation of developmental phase specificity and dose dependence. Tiboni, G.M., Giampietro, F. Pediatr. Res. (2005)
- Developmental toxicity of halogenated acetonitriles: drinking water by-products of chlorine disinfection. Smith, M.K., George, E.L., Zenick, H., Manson, J.M., Stober, J.A. Toxicology (1987)
- Prediction of the developmental toxicity hazard potential of halogenated drinking water disinfection by-products tested by the in vitro hydra assay. Fu, L.J., Johnson, E.M., Newman, L.M. Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP. (1990)
- Prenatal toxicity of xylene inhalation in the rat: a teratogenicity and postnatal study. Hass, U., Jakobsen, B.M. Pharmacol. Toxicol. (1993)
- Preclinical safety evaluation of the nadolol/bendroflumethiazide combination in mice, rats, and dogs. Stevens, A.C., Keysser, C.H., Kulesza, J.S., Miller, M.M., Myhre, J.L., Sibley, P.L., Yoon, Y.H., Keim, G.R. Fundamental and applied toxicology : official journal of the Society of Toxicology. (1984)
- Embryo/fetal development studies with hydroxypropyl methylcellulose acetate succinate (HPMCAS) in rats and rabbits. Cappon, G.D., Fleeman, T.L., Rocca, M.S., Cook, J.C., Hurtt, M.E. Birth Defects Res. B Dev. Reprod. Toxicol. (2003)
- Pax3 and the splotch mutations: structure, function, and relationship to teratogenesis, including gene-chemical interactions. Machado, A.F., Martin, L.J., Collins, M.D. Curr. Pharm. Des. (2001)
- Behavioral teratology investigation of 1-propanol administered by inhalation to rats. Nelson, B.K., Brightwell, W.S., Taylor, B.J., Khan, A., Burg, J.R., Krieg, E.F., Massari, V.J. Neurotoxicology and teratology. (1989)
- Murine teratology and pharmacokinetics of the enantiomers of sodium 2-ethylhexanoate. Collins, M.D., Scott, W.J., Miller, S.J., Evans, D.A., Nau, H. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. (1992)
- Angular homeostasis II: Pursuit of a moving target in a plane and some implications for cardiac teratology. Sagawa, Y., Berger, K.R., Trojak, J.E., Brown, K.L., Murphy, E.A. Am. J. Med. Genet. (1988)
- Bunyavirus-vector interactions. Beaty, B.J., Bishop, D.H. Virus Res. (1988)
- Behavioral toxicity of trihalomethane contaminants of drinking water in mice. Balster, R.L., Borzelleca, J.F. Environ. Health Perspect. (1982)
- Behavioral teratology of ethylene glycol monomethyl and monoethyl ethers. Nelson, B.K., Brightwell, W.S. Environ. Health Perspect. (1984)
- Class III antiarrhythmics and phenytoin: teratogenicity due to embryonic cardiac dysrhythmia and reoxygenation damage. Danielsson, B.R., Skold, A.C., Azarbayjani, F. Curr. Pharm. Des. (2001)
- Ethylene glycol monoethyl ether and ethylene glycol monoethyl ether acetate teratology studies. Doe, J.E. Environ. Health Perspect. (1984)
- Dose-dependent consequences of cocaine on pregnancy outcome in the Long-Evans rat. Church, M.W., Dintcheff, B.A., Gessner, P.K. Neurotoxicology and teratology. (1988)
- No evidence for linkage of liability to autism to HOXA1 in a sample from the CPEA network. Devlin, B., Bennett, P., Cook, E.H., Dawson, G., Gonen, D., Grigorenko, E.L., McMahon, W., Pauls, D., Smith, M., Spence, M.A., Schellenberg, G.D. Am. J. Med. Genet. (2002)
- A method for genotyping murine arylamine N-acetyltransferase type 2 (NAT2): a gene expressed in preimplantation embryonic stem cells encoding an enzyme acetylating the folate catabolite p-aminobenzoylglutamate. Payton, M., Smelt, V., Upton, A., Sim, E. Biochem. Pharmacol. (1999)
- Xenopus laevis vitellogenin is a zinc protein. Montorzi, M., Falchuk, K.H., Vallee, B.L. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1994)
- Effect of multifactorial genetic liability to exencephaly on the teratogenic effect of valproic acid in mice. Hall, J.L., Harris, M.J., Juriloff, D.M. Teratology (1997)
- Differential sensitivity of the SWV and C57BL/6 mouse strains to the teratogenic action of single administrations of cadmium given throughout the period of anterior neuropore closure. Hovland, D.N., Machado, A.F., Scott, W.J., Collins, M.D. Teratology (1999)
- Behavioral teratogenic effect of methylmercury and d-amphetamine: meta-analysis and power analysis of data from the Collaborative Behavioral Teratology Study of National Center for Toxicological Research. Tachibana, T. Teratology (1989)
- Pregnancy outcome after exposure to ranitidine and other H2-blockers. A collaborative study of the European Network of Teratology Information Services. Garbis, H., Elefant, E., Diav-Citrin, O., Mastroiacovo, P., Schaefer, C., Vial, T., Clementi, M., Valti, E., McElhatton, P., Smorlesi, C., Rodriguez, E.P., Robert-Gnansia, E., Merlob, P., Peiker, G., Pexieder, T., Schueler, L., Ritvanen, A., Mathieu-Nolf, M. Reprod. Toxicol. (2005)
- Reproductive toxicity studies of the antihypertensive agent felodipine in the rat. Danielson, M.K., Danielsson, B.R. Arzneimittel-Forschung. (1993)