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Chemical Compound Review

luzindole     N-[2-(2-benzyl-1H-indol-3- yl)ethyl]ethanamide

Synonyms: Tocris-0877, CHEMBL286615, SureCN4869000, L2407_SIGMA, CTK8E7069, ...
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Disease relevance of luzindole

  • When administered alone, neither luzindole nor methysergide affected testicular weight or body weight, whereas chronic injections of 5-methyoxyluzindole (10 mg/kg) mimicked the inhibitory effects of melatonin [1].
  • In addition, melatonin's ability to stimulate leptin release (in the presence of insulin) was completely blocked by pertussis toxin and luzindole [2].
  • Taken together, all the results suggested that MT could produce a luzindole and naloxone sensitive reversing effect on NC-induced hyperalgesia at supraspinal and peripheral level in mice [3].
  • Administration of luzindole to the CIP rats reduced PBF, aggravated the histological manifestations of pancreatitis, resulted in the significant augmentation of pancreatic MDA + 4-HNE content, and produced the marked increases of plasma levels of lipase, amylase and TNFalpha, comparing to the values observes in the rats with CIP alone [4].

High impact information on luzindole

  • Neither the selective MT2 melatonin receptor antagonists 4P-ADOT and 4P-PDOT (90 microg/mouse, s.c.) nor luzindole (300 microg/mouse, s.c.), which shows 25-fold higher affinity for the MT2 than the mt1 subtype, affected the phase of circadian activity rhythms when given alone at CT 10 [5].
  • The antagonist luzindole blocks the effects of melatonin and acts as an inverse agonist at the Mel(1a) receptor in both intact cells and isolated membranes [6].
  • Neither luzindole, an MT1/MT2 receptor antagonist, nor prazosin, an MT3 receptor antagonist, blocked melatonin-induced current reduction [7].
  • Exposure of the lumen to acid containing perfusate (pH 2.0) for 5 min increased (P < 0.05) the HCO secretion from 5.85 +/- 0.82 to 12.35 +/- 1.51 micro Eq/cm/hr, and luzindole significantly inhibited (P < 0.05) this rise in secretion [8].
  • Selective antagonists of the hMT2 (4-phenyl-2-propionamidotetraline and luzindole) were poor competitors of 2-[125I]iodomelatonin binding to the recombinant receptor [9].

Biological context of luzindole

  • However, at melatonin concentrations above 100 nM, luzindole potentiated the contractile response, suggesting blockade of MT(2) receptors mediating vasorelaxation and/or an inverse agonist effect at MT(1) constitutively active receptors [10].
  • During proestrus, both luzindole (0.1 microM) and 4-phenyl-2-propionamidotetraline (4P-PDOT) (0.1 microM), acting as inverse agonists, inhibited basal [35S]GTPgammaS binding to ovarian sections, suggesting the presence of MT1 constitutively active melatonin receptors [11].
  • Perivascular application of luzindole alone had no significant effect but abolished vasoconstriction induced by melatonin (-0.5 +/- 0.7 and + 3.0 +/- 1.2 microm at 60 and 600 ng/kg/h respectively) [12].
  • We found that melatonin (10(-3) and 10(-6) M/L) stimulated cell proliferation in dose- and time-depending manner, and this effect was inhibited by a relatively selective MT2 receptor antagonist - luzindole (10(-4) M/L) [13].

Anatomical context of luzindole


Associations of luzindole with other chemical compounds

  • The binding was inhibited by Mel1b melatonin receptor antagonists, luzindole and 4-phenyl-2-propionamidotetralin (4-P-PDOT) as well as by non-hydrolyzable analogs of GTP like GTPgammaS and Gpp(NH)p but not by adenosine nucleotides [18].
  • Cerebral arterioles were exposed to two doses of melatonin (3x10-9 and 3x10-8 M) in the absence and presence of the mt1 and/or MT2 receptor antagonist, luzindole (2x10-6 M) and the Ca2+-activated K+ (BKCa) channel blocker, tetraethylammonium (TEA+, 10(-4) M) [19].

Gene context of luzindole

  • Furthermore, because luzindole, an MT1 and MT2 blocker, caused the antitumor effect or rhythm disturbance effect of MLT to decrease, it is suggested that the time-dependent change of the pharmacological effects of MLT were influenced by that of MLT receptor(s) function [20].
  • Dissociation constants for competition of 11 partial agonists and antagonist for 2-[125I]-iodomelatonin binding were between 15.5 (luzindole, pKi: 7.7) to 362 (4-phenyl-2-chloroacetamidotetraline, pKi: 9.1) fold higher for the Mel1b than for the Mel1a melatonin receptor [21].
  • The anti-immobility effect of the selective melatonin receptor antagonist, luzindole, was investigated in the behavioral despair test using three different strains (C3H/HeN, C57BL/6J and albino ND/4) of mice [22].
  • The G-protein-coupled melatonin receptor antagonist luzindole abrogated the cytotoxic and mitochondrial effects [23].
  • MATERIALS AND METHODS: Splenocytes and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were cultured in vitro in the presence of melatonin, phytohemagglutinin, luzindole, dibutyrylcAMP (dbcAMP), forskolin and vasoactive intestine peptide (VIP) [24].


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