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Chemical Compound Review

Tetramon     tetraethylazanium

Synonyms: Tetrylammonium, Lopac-T-2265, CHEMBL9324, AG-G-50591, CHEBI:44296, ...
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Disease relevance of tetraethylammonium


Psychiatry related information on tetraethylammonium


High impact information on tetraethylammonium

  • Broadening the presynaptic action potential with the potassium-channel blocker tetraethylammonium, which increases Ca2+ entry, further enhances the rate of replenishment [7].
  • 3H-thymidine incorporation by T lymphocytes following PHA stimulation is inhibited by the 'classical' K+ channel blockers tetraethylammonium and 4-aminopyridine, and also by quinine, at doses found to block the K+ channel in voltage-clamped T lymphocytes, suggesting that K+ channels may play a part in mitogenesis [8].
  • Attenuating outward K+ current with tetraethylammonium or elevated extracellular K+, but not blockers of Ca2+, Cl-, or other K+ channels, reduced apoptosis, even if associated increases in intracellular Ca2+ concentration were prevented [9].
  • The channels encoded by KAT1 are highly selective for K+ over other monovalent cations, are blocked by tetraethylammonium and barium, and have a single channel conductance of 28 +/- 7 picosiemens with 118 millimolar K+ in the bathing solution [10].
  • Tetraethylammonium ion (TEA+) and charybdotoxin (CTX), at concentrations that block calcium-activated potassium channels in smooth muscle cells isolated from cerebral arteries, depolarized and constricted pressurized cerebral arteries with myogenic tone [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of tetraethylammonium


Biological context of tetraethylammonium

  • The most prominent activities came from a set of potassium channels with the properties of activation by positive but not negative voltages, high selectivity for potassium over sodium ion, unit conductance of 20 picosiemens, inhibition by tetraethylammonium or barium ions, and bursting kinetics [16].
  • We demonstrated enhanced presynaptic function during long-term potentiation (LTP) induced either chemically (with tetraethylammonium), or by high-frequency (200-Hz) electrical stimulation [17].
  • The aromatic binding site for tetraethylammonium ion on potassium channels [18].
  • The subunit stoichiometry of the mammalian K+ channel KV1.1 (RCK1) was examined by linking together the coding sequences of 2-5 K+ channel subunits in a single open reading frame and tagging the expression of individual subunits with a mutation (Y379K or Y379R) that altered the sensitivity of the channel to block by external tetraethylammonium ion [19].
  • Supporting this contention, the K+ channel blocker tetraethylammonium (20 mM) inhibits the increased K+ permeability that follows treatment of swollen sperm (and of sperm in seawater) with 2.5 pM speract [20].

Anatomical context of tetraethylammonium


Associations of tetraethylammonium with other chemical compounds


Gene context of tetraethylammonium


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of tetraethylammonium


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