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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)
Chemical Compound Review

KST-1A4726     [(2R,3S,5S)-5-(2-amino-6-oxo- 3H-purin-9...

Synonyms: AR-1A8202, AC1L5320, ((GA)n), 29627-66-5, 41287-70-1, ...
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Disease relevance of Poly(dG-dA)n.poly(dC-dT)n

  • By screening a lambda phage library, the total number of (GA)n blocks was estimated to be 3.6 x 10(4) and the number of (GT)n blocks to be 2.3 x 10(4) per haploid wheat genome [1].

High impact information on Poly(dG-dA)n.poly(dC-dT)n

  • GAGA factor associates with euchromatic genes that are enriched in (GA)n motifs [2].
  • Here, we show that an immunoaffinity-purified Pc protein complex contains a DNA binding activity specific to the (GA)n motif in a PRE from the bithoraxoid region [3].
  • The microsatellite sequence (CT)n x (GA)n promotes stable chromosomal integration of large tandem arrays of functional human U2 small nuclear RNA genes [4].
  • A (GA)n repeat polymorphism in the human protamine 2 (PRM 2) gene [5].
  • (CT)n (GA)n repeats and heat shock elements have distinct roles in chromatin structure and transcriptional activation of the Drosophila hsp26 gene [6].

Biological context of Poly(dG-dA)n.poly(dC-dT)n

  • Sequencing of the promoter region reveals a potential TATA box and (GA)n motives [7].
  • There are several sequence similarities between the dhfr rhodopsin origin regions, including common transcription promoter consensus sequences, rodent Alu repeats with their 3'-A+T rich flanking sequences, A+T-rich yeast ARS and Drosophila SAR consensus sequences, and simple (GA)n repeats, but there are no extended regions of direct similarity [8].
  • The S3/1 sequence contains a stretch with exceptionally high numbers of (GA)n and (CA)n dinucleotide repeats [9].
  • After the presence of microsatellites in Arabidopsis and their utility for genetic mapping had been demonstrated, systematic screening for (CA)n and (GA)n sequences was carried out on marker-selected plasmid libraries and a small-insert genomic library [10].
  • Screening of a rice genomic library with poly(dG-dA).(dC-dT) and poly(dG-dT).(dC-dA) probes indicated that (GA)n repeats occurred, on average, once every 225 kb and (GT)n repeats once every 480 kb [11].

Anatomical context of Poly(dG-dA)n.poly(dC-dT)n


Associations of Poly(dG-dA)n.poly(dC-dT)n with other chemical compounds


Gene context of Poly(dG-dA)n.poly(dC-dT)n

  • We report the identification of two (GT)n simple sequence repeats (SSRs) near the rat phosphoglucomutase gene (Pgm1) gene and two SSRs, (GA)n and (GT)n, near the rat complement component 8 beta gene (C8b) [15].
  • A single nucleotide polymorphism and a (GA)n microsatellite in intron 6 of the canine endothelin receptor B (EDNRB) gene [16].
  • A cluster of six multiallelic microsatellites has been identified in the TNF region, named TNF a-e. TNFb, TNFc, TNFd, and TNFe are (GA)n repeats, whereas TNFa and TNFf are (GT)n and (CA)n repeats, respectively [17].
  • Using cloned (dG-dA)n X (dC-dT)n DNA duplexes [GA)n) as models of homopurine-homopyrimidine S1-hypersensitive sites, we show that cleavage of the alternate (non-B, non-Z) DNA structure by S1 nuclease is length-dependent, in both supercoiled and linear forms, which are similar because of the identity of their nicking profiles [18].
  • Upstream of a putative promoter region of the VMAT2 gene, there exist polymorphic sequences consisting of two microsatellites, (CA)n and (GA)n. We performed a case-control study of this polymorphic region to determine whether the VMAT2 gene is related to PD [19].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Poly(dG-dA)n.poly(dC-dT)n


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  2. Chromatin profiling using targeted DNA adenine methyltransferase. van Steensel, B., Delrow, J., Henikoff, S. Nat. Genet. (2001) [Pubmed]
  3. pipsqueak encodes a factor essential for sequence-specific targeting of a polycomb group protein complex. Huang, D.H., Chang, Y.L., Yang, C.C., Pan, I.C., King, B. Mol. Cell. Biol. (2002) [Pubmed]
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