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Gene Review

Acvr1b  -  activin A receptor, type 1B

Mus musculus

Synonyms: 6820432J04, ACTR-IB, ALK-4, ActR-IB, ActRIB, ...
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Disease relevance of Acvr1b


High impact information on Acvr1b

  • ActRIB is a type I transmembrane serine/threonine kinase receptor that has been shown to form heteromeric complexes with the type II activin receptors to mediate activin signal [2].
  • To assess the function of ActRIB in mesoderm formation and gastrulation, chimera analysis was conducted [2].
  • To investigate the function of ActRIB in mammalian development, we generated ActRIB-deficient ES cell lines and mice by gene targeting [2].
  • Primitive streak formation, however, was impaired in chimeras when ActRIB-/- cells contributed highly to the epiblast [2].
  • Analysis of the ActRIB-/- embryos showed that the epiblast and the extraembryonic ectoderm were disorganized, resulting in disruption and developmental arrest of the egg cylinder before gastrulation [2].

Biological context of Acvr1b


Anatomical context of Acvr1b


Physical interactions of Acvr1b

  • We describe the cDNA cloning of the mouse homologue of human ActR-IB and analyze binding of radio-iodinated activin on type I/type II combinations of mouse receptors expressed from cDNA [4].

Other interactions of Acvr1b

  • In the presence of Smad7, overexpression of an activated form of ActR-IB, but not of an activated form of ActR-I, induced F5-5 cells to differentiate [5].
  • The type I activin receptor ActRIB is required for egg cylinder organization and gastrulation in the mouse [2].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Acvr1b


  1. Human testicular germ cell tumours express inhibin subunits, activin receptors and follistatin mRNAs. van Schaik, R.H., Wierikx, C.D., Looijenga, L.H., Oosterhuis, J.W., de Jong, F.H. Br. J. Cancer (1997) [Pubmed]
  2. The type I activin receptor ActRIB is required for egg cylinder organization and gastrulation in the mouse. Gu, Z., Nomura, M., Simpson, B.B., Lei, H., Feijen, A., van den Eijnden-van Raaij, J., Donahoe, P.K., Li, E. Genes Dev. (1998) [Pubmed]
  3. The role of activin type I receptors in activin A-induced growth arrest and apoptosis in mouse B-cell hybridoma cells. Hashimoto, O., Yamato, K., Koseki, T., Ohguchi, M., Ishisaki, A., Shoji, H., Nakamura, T., Hayashi, Y., Sugino, H., Nishihara, T. Cell. Signal. (1998) [Pubmed]
  4. Expression of type I and type IB receptors for activin in midgestation mouse embryos suggests distinct functions in organogenesis. Verschueren, K., Dewulf, N., Goumans, M.J., Lonnoy, O., Feijen, A., Grimsby, S., Vandi Spiegle, K., ten Dijke, P., Morén, A., Vanscheeuwijck, P. Mech. Dev. (1995) [Pubmed]
  5. Smad7 selectively interferes with different pathways of activin signaling and inhibits erythroid leukemia cell differentiation. Kitamura, K., Aota, S., Sakamoto, R., Yoshikawa, S.I., Okazaki, K. Blood (2000) [Pubmed]
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