Gene Review:
Agrn - agrin
Mus musculus
Agrin, NMF380, nmf380
- An agrin minigene rescues dystrophic symptoms in a mouse model for congenital muscular dystrophy. Moll, J., Barzaghi, P., Lin, S., Bezakova, G., Lochmüller, H., Engvall, E., Müller, U., Ruegg, M.A. Nature (2001)
- A neuronal inhibitory domain in the N-terminal half of agrin. Bixby, J.L., Baerwald-De la Torre, K., Wang, C., Rathjen, F.G., Rüegg, M.A. J. Neurobiol. (2002)
- Delayed synapsing muscles are more severely affected in an experimental model of MuSK-induced myasthenia gravis. Xu, K., Jha, S., Hoch, W., Dryer, S.E. Neuroscience (2006)
- Agrin acts via a MuSK receptor complex. Glass, D.J., Bowen, D.C., Stitt, T.N., Radziejewski, C., Bruno, J., Ryan, T.E., Gies, D.R., Shah, S., Mattsson, K., Burden, S.J., DiStefano, P.S., Valenzuela, D.M., DeChiara, T.M., Yancopoulos, G.D. Cell (1996)
- Defective neuromuscular synaptogenesis in agrin-deficient mutant mice. Gautam, M., Noakes, P.G., Moscoso, L., Rupp, F., Scheller, R.H., Merlie, J.P., Sanes, J.R. Cell (1996)
- Dystroglycan-alpha, a dystrophin-associated glycoprotein, is a functional agrin receptor. Gee, S.H., Montanaro, F., Lindenbaum, M.H., Carbonetto, S. Cell (1994)
- Agrin-induced activation of acetylcholine receptor-bound Src family kinases requires Rapsyn and correlates with acetylcholine receptor clustering. Mittaud, P., Marangi, P.A., Erb-Vögtli, S., Fuhrer, C. J. Biol. Chem. (2001)
- Agrin is involved in lymphocytes activation that is mediated by alpha-dystroglycan. Zhang, J., Wang, Y., Chu, Y., Su, L., Gong, Y., Zhang, R., Xiong, S. FASEB J. (2006)
- Alternative splicing of agrin alters its binding to heparin, dystroglycan, and the putative agrin receptor. Gesemann, M., Cavalli, V., Denzer, A.J., Brancaccio, A., Schumacher, B., Ruegg, M.A. Neuron (1996)
- Alternatively spliced isoforms of nerve- and muscle-derived agrin: their roles at the neuromuscular junction. Burgess, R.W., Nguyen, Q.T., Son, Y.J., Lichtman, J.W., Sanes, J.R. Neuron (1999)
- Rapsyn is required for MuSK signaling and recruits synaptic components to a MuSK-containing scaffold. Apel, E.D., Glass, D.J., Moscoso, L.M., Yancopoulos, G.D., Sanes, J.R. Neuron (1997)
- Rapsyn may function as a link between the acetylcholine receptor and the agrin-binding dystrophin-associated glycoprotein complex. Apel, E.D., Roberds, S.L., Campbell, K.P., Merlie, J.P. Neuron (1995)
- The dystroglycan complex is necessary for stabilization of acetylcholine receptor clusters at neuromuscular junctions and formation of the synaptic basement membrane. Jacobson, C., Côté, P.D., Rossi, S.G., Rotundo, R.L., Carbonetto, S. J. Cell Biol. (2001)
- Expression of mouse agrin in normal, denervated and dystrophic muscle. Eusebio, A., Oliveri, F., Barzaghi, P., Ruegg, M.A. Neuromuscul. Disord. (2003)
- Agrin binds to the nerve-muscle basal lamina via laminin. Denzer, A.J., Brandenberger, R., Gesemann, M., Chiquet, M., Ruegg, M.A. J. Cell Biol. (1997)
- Agrin isoforms with distinct amino termini: differential expression, localization, and function. Burgess, R.W., Skarnes, W.C., Sanes, J.R. J. Cell Biol. (2000)
- Non-muscle alpha-dystroglycan is involved in epithelial development. Durbeej, M., Larsson, E., Ibraghimov-Beskrovnaya, O., Roberds, S.L., Campbell, K.P., Ekblom, P. J. Cell Biol. (1995)
- Localization and regulation of MuSK at the neuromuscular junction. Bowen, D.C., Park, J.S., Bodine, S., Stark, J.L., Valenzuela, D.M., Stitt, T.N., Yancopoulos, G.D., Lindsay, R.M., Glass, D.J., DiStefano, P.S. Dev. Biol. (1998)
- Structural alterations at the neuromuscular junctions of matrix metalloproteinase 3 null mutant mice. VanSaun, M., Herrera, A.A., Werle, M.J. J. Neurocytol. (2003)
- Muscle and neural isoforms of agrin increase utrophin expression in cultured myotubes via a transcriptional regulatory mechanism. Gramolini, A.O., Burton, E.A., Tinsley, J.M., Ferns, M.J., Cartaud, A., Cartaud, J., Davies, K.E., Lunde, J.A., Jasmin, B.J. J. Biol. Chem. (1998)
- Neurotransmitter acetylcholine negatively regulates neuromuscular synapse formation by a Cdk5-dependent mechanism. Lin, W., Dominguez, B., Yang, J., Aryal, P., Brandon, E.P., Gage, F.H., Lee, K.F. Neuron (2005)
- Cooperative regulation by Rac and Rho of agrin-induced acetylcholine receptor clustering in muscle cells. Weston, C., Gordon, C., Teressa, G., Hod, E., Ren, X.D., Prives, J. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- The relationship between perlecan and dystroglycan and its implication in the formation of the neuromuscular junction. Peng, H.B., Ali, A.A., Daggett, D.F., Rauvala, H., Hassell, J.R., Smalheiser, N.R. Cell Adhes. Commun. (1998)
- Scrambler, a new neurological mutation of the mouse with abnormalities of neuronal migration. Sweet, H.O., Bronson, R.T., Johnson, K.R., Cook, S.A., Davisson, M.T. Mamm. Genome (1996)
- Roles of rapsyn and agrin in interaction of postsynaptic proteins with acetylcholine receptors. Fuhrer, C., Gautam, M., Sugiyama, J.E., Hall, Z.W. J. Neurosci. (1999)
- Association of muscle-specific kinase MuSK with the acetylcholine receptor in mammalian muscle. Fuhrer, C., Sugiyama, J.E., Taylor, R.G., Hall, Z.W. EMBO J. (1997)
- Distribution and substrate properties of agrin, a heparan sulfate proteoglycan of developing axonal pathways. Halfter, W., Schurer, B., Yip, J., Yip, L., Tsen, G., Lee, J.A., Cole, G.J. J. Comp. Neurol. (1997)
- Anti-agrin staining is absent at abandoned synaptic sites of frog neuromuscular junctions. Werle, M.J., Sojka, A.M. J. Neurobiol. (1996)