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Gene Review

UL38  -  complexed 1:2 with capsid triplex subunit...

Bovine herpesvirus 1

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Disease relevance of UL38


High impact information on UL38

  • We mapped one essential domain to a conserved sequence at the VP1/2 carboxy terminus and demonstrated that this domain sufficient to redirect the green fluorescent protein to capsid assemblons in nuclei of infected cells [5].
  • Starting with derivatives of pseudorabies virus that encode a fluorescent protein fused to a structural component of the virus, we have made a collection of 12 mutant viruses that lack either the VP26 capsid protein or an individual tegument protein [6].
  • Close examination of Golgi membranes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and outer nuclear membrane yielded capsid-membrane interaction of high identity to the budding process at the inner nuclear membrane [7].
  • US11 is consistently cotransported with kinetics similar to those of the capsid protein VP5 into the axons of dissociated rat neurons, unlike the other tegument proteins VP16 and VP22 [8].
  • Herpes simplex viral particles with pinwheel cores are rarely seen in cell culture, so this type of aberrant capsid appears to be associated mainly with VZV replication [9].

Biological context of UL38


Associations of UL38 with chemical compounds

  • Under this experimental condition, virus-induced protein and glycoprotein began to appear 4 to 6 and 18 to 20 h after infection, respectively, and a capsid protein (MW 145,000) was prominent 18 h after injection [11].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of UL38


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  2. Physical mapping and nucleotide sequence of a herpes simplex virus type 1 gene required for capsid assembly. Pertuiset, B., Boccara, M., Cebrian, J., Berthelot, N., Chousterman, S., Puvion-Dutilleul, F., Sisman, J., Sheldrick, P. J. Virol. (1989) [Pubmed]
  3. Replication of Epstein-Barr virus within the epithelial cells of oral "hairy" leukoplakia, an AIDS-associated lesion. Greenspan, J.S., Greenspan, D., Lennette, E.T., Abrams, D.I., Conant, M.A., Petersen, V., Freese, U.K. N. Engl. J. Med. (1985) [Pubmed]
  4. Epstein-Barr virus that lacks glycoprotein gN is impaired in assembly and infection. Lake, C.M., Hutt-Fletcher, L.M. J. Virol. (2000) [Pubmed]
  5. Identification of an Essential Domain in the Herpesvirus VP1/2 Tegument Protein: the Carboxy Terminus Directs Incorporation into Capsid Assemblons. Lee, J.I., Luxton, G.W., Smith, G.A. J. Virol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  6. The Herpesvirus capsid surface protein, VP26, and the majority of the tegument proteins are dispensable for capsid transport toward the nucleus. Antinone, S.E., Shubeita, G.T., Coller, K.E., Lee, J.I., Haverlock-Moyns, S., Gross, S.P., Smith, G.A. J. Virol. (2006) [Pubmed]
  7. Impairment of nuclear pores in bovine herpesvirus 1-infected MDBK cells. Wild, P., Engels, M., Senn, C., Tobler, K., Ziegler, U., Schraner, E.M., Loepfe, E., Ackermann, M., Mueller, M., Walther, P. J. Virol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  8. Herpes simplex virus tegument protein US11 interacts with conventional kinesin heavy chain. Diefenbach, R.J., Miranda-Saksena, M., Diefenbach, E., Holland, D.J., Boadle, R.A., Armati, P.J., Cunningham, A.L. J. Virol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  9. Pathogenesis of infection with varicella vaccine. Grose, C. Infect. Dis. Clin. North Am. (1996) [Pubmed]
  10. Increased presence of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in ocular fluid samples from HIV negative immunocompromised patients with uveitis. Ongkosuwito, J.V., Van der Lelij, A., Bruinenberg, M., Wienesen-van Doorn, M., Feron, E.J., Hoyng, C.B., de Keizer, R.J., Klok, A.M., Kijlstra, A. The British journal of ophthalmology. (1998) [Pubmed]
  11. Studies on the polypeptides of varicella-zoster (V-Z) virus. II. Syntheses of viral polypeptides in infected cells. Asano, Y., Takahashi, M. Biken journal. (1980) [Pubmed]
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