Gene Review:
Otp - orthopedia homolog (Drosophila)
Mus musculus
Homeobox protein orthopedia
- Progressive impairment of developing neuroendocrine cell lineages in the hypothalamus of mice lacking the Orthopedia gene. Acampora, D., Postiglione, M.P., Avantaggiato, V., Di Bonito, M., Vaccarino, F.M., Michaud, J., Simeone, A. Genes Dev. (1999)
- Orthopedia, a novel homeobox-containing gene expressed in the developing CNS of both mouse and Drosophila. Simeone, A., D'Apice, M.R., Nigro, V., Casanova, J., Graziani, F., Acampora, D., Avantaggiato, V. Neuron (1994)
- Spatially restricted expression of PlOtp, a Paracentrotus lividus orthopedia-related homeobox gene, is correlated with oral ectodermal patterning and skeletal morphogenesis in late-cleavage sea urchin embryos. Di Bernardo, M., Castagnetti, S., Bellomonte, D., Oliveri, P., Melfi, R., Palla, F., Spinelli, G. Development (1999)
- Sim2 contributes to neuroendocrine hormone gene expression in the anterior hypothalamus. Goshu, E., Jin, H., Lovejoy, J., Marion, J.F., Michaud, J.L., Fan, C.M. Mol. Endocrinol. (2004)
- The murine Otp homeobox gene plays an essential role in the specification of neuronal cell lineages in the developing hypothalamus. Wang, W., Lufkin, T. Dev. Biol. (2000)
- Otp maps to mouse chromosome 13. Wang, W., Lufkin, T. Mamm. Genome (1997)
- Identification, chromosomal assignment, and expression analysis of the human homeodomain-containing gene Orthopedia (OTP). Lin, X., State, M.W., Vaccarino, F.M., Greally, J., Hass, M., Leckman, J.F. Genomics (1999)
- Survey for paired-like homeodomain gene expression in the hypothalamus: restricted expression patterns of Rx, Alx4 and goosecoid. Asbreuk, C.H., van Schaick, H.S., Cox, J.J., Smidt, M.P., Burbach, J.P. Neuroscience (2002)
- Pax2/5 and Pax6 subdivide the early neural tube into three domains. Schwarz, M., Alvarez-Bolado, G., Dressler, G., Urbánek, P., Busslinger, M., Gruss, P. Mech. Dev. (1999)