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Gene Review

Spg21  -  spastic paraplegia 21 homolog (human)

Mus musculus

Synonyms: ACP33, Acid cluster protein 33, BM-019, C78576, D9Wsu18e, ...
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Disease relevance of Spg21


High impact information on Spg21

  • These subsets were isolated using magnetic and fluorescence-activated cell sorting, phenotypically analyzed, and tested in vitro for cobblestone area-forming cells (CAFC) and colony-forming units in culture (CFU-C; M/G/E/Meg/Mast) [6].
  • Several lines of evidence indicated that the 125I-fibrin deposition associated with the PCA reactions was dependent on the activity of mast cells: 1) Mast cell degranulation occurred at sites of PCA reactions [7].
  • The most diverse type of mixed colony contained macrophages (m), neutrophils (n), eosinophils (e), mast cells (Mast), megakaryocytes (M), erythroid cells (E), and blast cells [8].
  • METHODS: Mast cell-deficient mice (WBB6F1-W/Wv) and their congenic normal littermates (WBB6F1-+/+) were immunized with ovalbumin and challenged by inhalation with the relevant antigen [9].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Mast cells and VEGF are central to the formation of postoperative intra-abdominal adhesions with mast cells being responsible, either directly or indirectly, for VEGF release into the peritoneal cavity after operation [10].

Biological context of Spg21


Anatomical context of Spg21

  • PURPOSE: Mast cell and neutrophil degranulations are the important players in inflammatory disorders [12].
  • BACKGROUND: Mast cells are widely distributed in the gastrointestinal mucosa [13].
  • This result confirms our earlier data on the depletion of lymphatic Mast Cells in the lymph nodes stimulated by various antigens [14].

Associations of Spg21 with chemical compounds

  • METHODS: Mast cell-deficient W/Wv and their normal littermate +/+ mice were given intrarectal administration of 5% acetic acid [13].


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