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Gene Review

Gvhd1  -  graft-versus-host disease 1

Mus musculus

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Disease relevance of Gvhd1


Psychiatry related information on Gvhd1

  • Whole body images of anesthetized mice taken at various time points after cell infusion revealed the early migration of allogeneic cells to peripheral lymphoid organs, with later infiltration of GVHD target organs [6].
  • RAPA-treated mice had no clinical (e.g., weight loss, diarrhea, lethargy) or histologic evidence of classical acute or chronic GVHD but did develop a clinical-pathological syndrome consisting of ulcerative dermatitis, bile duct proliferation, and a nondestructive peribronchiolar pulmonary infiltration [7].
  • This association was still valid after correcting for other known variables (recipient age, donor-recipient gender relation, type of donor, conditioning regimen, diagnosis, stem cell source and GvHD prophylaxis) by logistic regression (OD=0.391, p=0.023) [8].

High impact information on Gvhd1


Chemical compound and disease context of Gvhd1


Biological context of Gvhd1


Anatomical context of Gvhd1


Associations of Gvhd1 with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of Gvhd1


Other interactions of Gvhd1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Gvhd1


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