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Gene Review

SFTPB  -  surfactant protein B

Ovis aries

Synonyms: SP-B, SPBS
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Disease relevance of SP-B

  • At approximately 2 wk after preterm birth, SP-A and SP-B, but not SP-C, mRNA levels were significantly reduced in preterm lambs compared with term controls, but these differences did not persist at 2 and 6 wk PNA [1].
  • In a previous experiment involving 4-wk-old lambs with pulmonary hypertension secondary to increased pulmonary blood flow following an in utero placement of an aortopulmonary vascular graft, we found a decrease in surfactant protein (SP)-A gene expression as well as a decrease in SP-A and SP-B protein contents [2].
  • Surfactant-associated proteins (SP-A, SP-B) are increased proportionally to alveolar phospholipids in sheep silicosis [3].
  • Although surfactant secreted early by the fetus into alveolar spaces contained normal levels of BAL SP-A and BAL SP-B, the low levels of BAL PC and low lung tissue stores of SP-B indicate that these experimental lambs may experience respiratory insufficiency soon after birth [4].
  • Lung weight to body weight ratio, mean terminal bronchiole density, type II cell density, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) phosphatidylcholine (PC), BAL surfactant protein A (SP-A) and B (SP-B), and lung tissue SP-A and SP-B were assessed in CDH, CDH with TO, CDH with TO and TR, and controls [4].

High impact information on SP-B

  • The surface tension measured with a Wilhelmy balance of the rSP-C surfactant was lower than the surface tension of natural sheep surfactant (containing SP-B and SP-C) [5].
  • Although total lung cell number was increased by 26%, SP-B immunolabeling indicated that increased surfactant amount did not result from an increased alveolar type II cell proportion, but rather from an increased rate of storage [6].
  • Surfactant protein B (SP-B) decreased in alveolar type II cells at 5 h, and SP-B in lung tissue and alveolar lavage fluid increased by 72 h [7].
  • IA endotoxin caused rapid and sustained increases in SP mRNAs that preceded the increase in alveolar saturated phosphatidylcholine processing of SP-B and improved lung compliance in prematurely delivered lambs [8].
  • We conclude that SP-B, plasmalogens and cholesterol all affect the surface viscosity, thus synergistically regulate monolayer stability [9].

Chemical compound and disease context of SP-B


Biological context of SP-B

  • The ratios of SP-A and SP-B to lipid phosphorus levels document a proportional enhancement of surfactant-associated proteins and phospholipids, thus suggesting a co-ordinated upregulation of both surfactant-associated proteins and phospholipids in this model of silicosis [3].
  • At 139 days gestation, mRNA levels for both SP-A and SP-B increased after ventilation, compared with the unventilated groups (P < 0.05) [11].

Anatomical context of SP-B

  • After betamethasone treatment, SP-B and SP-C mRNA levels increased by 15 h and all SP mRNAs were elevated after 24 h (>/=2-fold); mRNA levels in fetuses delivered 1-3 wk after betamethasone were not different from control [12].

Associations of SP-B with chemical compounds

  • The relationship among protein oligomerization, secondary structure at the interface, and the interfacial behavior was investigated for spread layers of native pulmonary surfactant associated proteins B and C. SP-B and SP-C were isolated either from butanol or chloroform/methanol lipid extracts that were obtained from sheep lung washings [13].
  • In lambs with long-term exposure to betamethasone, there was a similar, dose-dependent increase in concentrations of saturated phosphatidylcholine and surfactant proteins A (SP-A) and B (SP-B) (maximal 2- to 3-fold in tissue and 10- to 15-fold in lavage fluid) [14].

Other interactions of SP-B

  • Surfactant protein (SP) A, SP-B, and SP-C mRNAs were maximally induced at 2 days [8].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of SP-B

  • Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid from control animals contained very little SP-B protein, 75% of which was a partially processed intermediate [8].
  • The CD and FTIR spectra of SP-B isolated from all extracts were consistent with a secondary structure dominated by alpha-helix [13].
  • SP-B (2%) augmented the in vivo function of Survanta without positive end-expiratory pressure, and 0.5% SP-B had no effect [15].
  • The new preparative HPLC method is able to replace the established, time-consuming low-pressure liquid chromatography method for the isolation of SP-B and SP-C from lipids [16].
  • Glucocorticoid treatment increases content of surfactant protein (SP) A and SP-B in lung tissue and lavage fluid of preterm lambs [12].


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  2. Increased pulmonary blood flow does not alter surfactant protein gene expression in lambs within the first week of life. Lee, J.W., Ovadia, B., Azakie, A., Salas, S., Goerke, J., Fineman, J.R., Gutierrez, J.A. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  3. Surfactant-associated proteins (SP-A, SP-B) are increased proportionally to alveolar phospholipids in sheep silicosis. Lesur, O., Veldhuizen, R.A., Whitsett, J.A., Hull, W.M., Possmayer, F., Cantin, A., Bégin, R. Lung (1993) [Pubmed]
  4. Surfactant levels after reversible tracheal occlusion and prenatal steroids in experimental diaphragmatic hernia. Bratu, I., Flageole, H., Laberge, J.M., Possmayer, F., Harbottle, R., Kay, S., Khalife, S., Piedboeuf, B. J. Pediatr. Surg. (2001) [Pubmed]
  5. Lung function in premature lambs and rabbits treated with a recombinant SP-C surfactant. Davis, A.J., Jobe, A.H., Häfner, D., Ikegami, M. Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. (1998) [Pubmed]
  6. Surfactant phospholipids and proteins are increased in fetal sheep with pulmonary hypertension secondary to fetal systemic arteriovenous fistula. Benachi, A., Jouannic, J.M., Barlier-Mur, A.M., Chailley-Heu, B., Bourbon, J.R. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  7. Injury, inflammation, and remodeling in fetal sheep lung after intra-amniotic endotoxin. Kramer, B.W., Kramer, S., Ikegami, M., Jobe, A.H. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  8. Intra-amniotic endotoxin increases pulmonary surfactant proteins and induces SP-B processing in fetal sheep. Bachurski, C.J., Ross, G.F., Ikegami, M., Kramer, B.W., Jobe, A.H. Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell Mol. Physiol. (2001) [Pubmed]
  9. Effect of cholesterol and surfactant protein B on the viscosity of phospholipid mixtures. Tölle, A., Meier, W., Rüdiger, M., Hofmann, K.P., Rüstow, B. Chem. Phys. Lipids (2002) [Pubmed]
  10. Surfactant inactivation and surfactant replacement in experimental models of ARDS. Robertson, B. Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica. Supplementum. (1991) [Pubmed]
  11. Surfactant treatment and ventilation effects on surfactant SP-A, SP-B, and SP-C mRNA levels in preterm lamb lungs. Woods, E., Ohashi, T., Polk, D., Ikegami, M., Ueda, T., Jobe, A.H. Am. J. Physiol. (1995) [Pubmed]
  12. Developmental and glucocorticoid regulation of surfactant protein mRNAs in preterm lambs. Tan, R.C., Ikegami, M., Jobe, A.H., Yao, L.Y., Possmayer, F., Ballard, P.L. Am. J. Physiol. (1999) [Pubmed]
  13. Effects of oligomerization and secondary structure on the surface behavior of pulmonary surfactant proteins SP-B and SP-C. Wüstneck, N., Wüstneck, R., Perez-Gil, J., Pison, U. Biophys. J. (2003) [Pubmed]
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  15. Surfactant protein-B supplementation improves in vivo function of a modified natural surfactant. Mizuno, K., Ikegami, M., Chen, C.M., Ueda, T., Jobe, A.H. Pediatr. Res. (1995) [Pubmed]
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