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Gene Review

ARPI  -  proteinase inhibitor

Solanum lycopersicum

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Disease relevance of ARPI


High impact information on ARPI


Biological context of ARPI


Anatomical context of ARPI

  • A 90-kDa protein that co-fractionated with thylakoids was induced along with the increase in competence for PPO import, and was identified as the proteinase-inhibitor multicystatin [8].

Associations of ARPI with chemical compounds


Regulatory relationships of ARPI

  • Tomato plants transformed with an antisense prosystemin complementary DNA exhibited greatly suppressed systemic wound induction of proteinase Inhibitor I and II synthesis in leaves [2].

Other interactions of ARPI


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ARPI


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  2. Structure, expression, and antisense inhibition of the systemin precursor gene. McGurl, B., Pearce, G., Orozco-Cardenas, M., Ryan, C.A. Science (1992) [Pubmed]
  3. Overexpression of the prosystemin gene in transgenic tomato plants generates a systemic signal that constitutively induces proteinase inhibitor synthesis. McGurl, B., Orozco-Cardenas, M., Pearce, G., Ryan, C.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1994) [Pubmed]
  4. A dispersed family of repetitive DNA sequences exhibits characteristics of a transposable element in the genus Lycopersicon. Young, R.J., Francis, D.M., St Clair, D.A., Taylor, B.H. Genetics (1994) [Pubmed]
  5. Regulation of gene expression by ethylene during Lycopersicon esculentum (tomato) fruit development. Lincoln, J.E., Cordes, S., Read, E., Fischer, R.L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1987) [Pubmed]
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  7. Nitric oxide negatively modulates wound signaling in tomato plants. Orozco-Cárdenas, M.L., Ryan, C.A. Plant Physiol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  8. Import of polyphenol oxidase by chloroplasts is enhanced by methyl jasmonate. Koussevitzky, S., Ne'eman, E., Harel, E. Planta (2004) [Pubmed]
  9. Induction of a proteinase inhibitor II-class gene by auxin in tomato roots. Taylor, B.H., Young, R.J., Scheuring, C.F. Plant Mol. Biol. (1993) [Pubmed]
  10. Differential timing of spider mite-induced direct and indirect defenses in tomato plants. Kant, M.R., Ament, K., Sabelis, M.W., Haring, M.A., Schuurink, R.C. Plant Physiol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  11. Resistance of cultivated tomato to cell content-feeding herbivores is regulated by the octadecanoid-signaling pathway. Li, C., Williams, M.M., Loh, Y.T., Lee, G.I., Howe, G.A. Plant Physiol. (2002) [Pubmed]
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  13. Salt stress activation of wound-related genes in tomato plants. Dombrowski, J.E. Plant Physiol. (2003) [Pubmed]
  14. Isolation of signaling mutants of tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Lightner, J., Pearce, G., Ryan, C.A., Browse, J. Mol. Gen. Genet. (1993) [Pubmed]
  15. Rapid and systemic accumulation of chloroplast mRNA-binding protein transcripts after flame stimulus in tomato. Vian, A., Henry-Vian, C., Davies, E. Plant Physiol. (1999) [Pubmed]
  16. Purification, characterization, and complete amino acid sequence of a trypsin inhibitor from amaranth (Amaranthus hypochondriacus) seeds. Valdes-Rodriguez, S., Segura-Nieto, M., Chagolla-Lopez, A., Verver y Vargas-Cortina, A., Martinez-Gallardo, N., Blanco-Labra, A. Plant Physiol. (1993) [Pubmed]
  17. Jasmonic acid inducible aspartic proteinase inhibitors from potato. Kreft, S., Ravnikar, M., Mesko, P., Pungercar, J., Umek, A., Kregar, I., Strukelj, B. Phytochemistry (1997) [Pubmed]
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