Gene Review:
hoxa1a - homeobox A1a
Danio rerio
Homeobox protein Hox-A1a, Hox-A1, Hox-a1, SO:0000704, hoxa1, ...
- Hox gene expression in teleost fins and the origin of vertebrate digits. Sordino, P., van der Hoeven, F., Duboule, D. Nature (1995)
- Molecular evolution of the HoxA cluster in the three major gnathostome lineages. Chiu, C.H., Amemiya, C., Dewar, K., Kim, C.B., Ruddle, F.H., Wagner, G.P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2002)
- Bichir HoxA cluster sequence reveals surprising trends in ray-finned fish genomic evolution. Chiu, C.H., Dewar, K., Wagner, G.P., Takahashi, K., Ruddle, F., Ledje, C., Bartsch, P., Scemama, J.L., Stellwag, E., Fried, C., Prohaska, S.J., Stadler, P.F., Amemiya, C.T. Genome Res. (2004)
- Evolutionary conservation of regulatory elements in vertebrate Hox gene clusters. Santini, S., Boore, J.L., Meyer, A. Genome Res. (2003)
- Consequences of Hox gene duplication in the vertebrates: an investigation of the zebrafish Hox paralogue group 1 genes. McClintock, J.M., Carlson, R., Mann, D.M., Prince, V.E. Development (2001)
- Expression of zebrafish Hoxa1a in neuronal cells of the midbrain and anterior hindbrain. Shih, L.J., Tsay, H.J., Lin, S.C., Hwang, S.P. Mech. Dev. (2001)
- Teleost HoxD and HoxA genes: comparison with tetrapods and functional evolution of the HOXD complex. van der Hoeven, F., Sordino, P., Fraudeau, N., Izpisúa-Belmonte, J.C., Duboule, D. Mech. Dev. (1996)
- Overexpression of thyroid hormone receptor alpha 1 during zebrafish embryogenesis disrupts hindbrain patterning and implicates retinoic acid receptors in the control of hox gene expression. Essner, J.J., Johnson, R.G., Hackett, P.B. Differentiation (1999)
- Expression of Hoxa-11 and Hoxa-13 in the pectoral fin of a basal ray-finned fish, Polyodon spathula: implications for the origin of tetrapod limbs. Metscher, B.D., Takahashi, K., Crow, K., Amemiya, C., Nonaka, D.F., Wagner, G.P. Evol. Dev. (2005)
- Developmental basis of limb evolution. Hinchliffe, J.R. Int. J. Dev. Biol. (2002)
- Conserved expression of Hoxa1 in neurons at the ventral forebrain/midbrain boundary of vertebrates. McClintock, J.M., Jozefowicz, C., Assimacopoulos, S., Grove, E.A., Louvi, A., Prince, V.E. Dev. Genes Evol. (2003)