Gene Review:
HOXA1 - homeobox A1
Homo sapiens
BSAS, HOX1, HOX1F, Homeobox protein Hox-1F, Homeobox protein Hox-A1
- Altered HOX and WNT7A expression in human lung cancer. Calvo, R., West, J., Franklin, W., Erickson, P., Bemis, L., Li, E., Helfrich, B., Bunn, P., Roche, J., Brambilla, E., Rosell, R., Gemmill, R.M., Drabkin, H.A. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2000)
- The recruitment of SOX/OCT complexes and the differential activity of HOXA1 and HOXB1 modulate the Hoxb1 auto-regulatory enhancer function. Di Rocco, G., Gavalas, A., Popperl, H., Krumlauf, R., Mavilio, F., Zappavigna, V. J. Biol. Chem. (2001)
- Human growth hormone-regulated HOXA1 is a human mammary epithelial oncogene. Zhang, X., Zhu, T., Chen, Y., Mertani, H.C., Lee, K.O., Lobie, P.E. J. Biol. Chem. (2003)
- Altered expressions of HOX genes in human cutaneous malignant melanoma. Maeda, K., Hamada, J., Takahashi, Y., Tada, M., Yamamoto, Y., Sugihara, T., Moriuchi, T. Int. J. Cancer (2005)
- Disordered expression of HOX genes in human non-small cell lung cancer. Abe, M., Hamada, J., Takahashi, O., Takahashi, Y., Tada, M., Miyamoto, M., Morikawa, T., Kondo, S., Moriuchi, T. Oncol. Rep. (2006)
- Minor form of trigonocephaly is an autistic skull shape? A suggestion based on homeobox gene variants and MECP2 mutations. Ijichi, S., Ijichi, N. Med. Hypotheses (2002)
- Homozygous HOXA1 mutations disrupt human brainstem, inner ear, cardiovascular and cognitive development. Tischfield, M.A., Bosley, T.M., Salih, M.A., Alorainy, I.A., Sener, E.C., Nester, M.J., Oystreck, D.T., Chan, W.M., Andrews, C., Erickson, R.P., Engle, E.C. Nat. Genet. (2005)
- Fusion of the nucleoporin gene NUP98 to HOXA9 by the chromosome translocation t(7;11)(p15;p15) in human myeloid leukaemia. Nakamura, T., Largaespada, D.A., Lee, M.P., Johnson, L.A., Ohyashiki, K., Toyama, K., Chen, S.J., Willman, C.L., Chen, I.M., Feinberg, A.P., Jenkins, N.A., Copeland, N.G., Shaughnessy, J.D. Nat. Genet. (1996)
- Transformation of myeloid progenitors by MLL oncoproteins is dependent on Hoxa7 and Hoxa9. Ayton, P.M., Cleary, M.L. Genes Dev. (2003)
- Homeobox gene methylation in lung cancer studied by genome-wide analysis with a microarray-based methylated CpG island recovery assay. Rauch, T., Wang, Z., Zhang, X., Zhong, X., Wu, X., Lau, S.K., Kernstine, K.H., Riggs, A.D., Pfeifer, G.P. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2007)
- Retinoic acid induces three newly cloned HOXA1 transcripts in MCF7 breast cancer cells. Chariot, A., Moreau, L., Senterre, G., Sobel, M.E., Castronovo, V. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1995)
- Detection of HOXA1 expression in human breast cancer. Chariot, A., Castronovo, V. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (1996)
- Epigenetic Inactivation of the HOXA Gene Cluster in Breast Cancer. Novak, P., Jensen, T., Oshiro, M.M., Wozniak, R.J., Nouzova, M., Watts, G.S., Klimecki, W.T., Kim, C., Futscher, B.W. Cancer Res. (2006)
- Discovery of allelic variants of HOXA1 and HOXB1: genetic susceptibility to autism spectrum disorders. Ingram, J.L., Stodgell, C.J., Hyman, S.L., Figlewicz, D.A., Weitkamp, L.R., Rodier, P.M. Teratology (2000)
- The coding region of the Bloom syndrome BLM gene and of the CBL proto-oncogene is mutated in genetically unstable sporadic gastrointestinal tumors. Calin, G., Herlea, V., Barbanti-Brodano, G., Negrini, M. Cancer Res. (1998)
- Association between the HOXA1 A218G polymorphism and increased head circumference in patients with autism. Conciatori, M., Stodgell, C.J., Hyman, S.L., O'Bara, M., Militerni, R., Bravaccio, C., Trillo, S., Montecchi, F., Schneider, C., Melmed, R., Elia, M., Crawford, L., Spence, S.J., Muscarella, L., Guarnieri, V., D'Agruma, L., Quattrone, A., Zelante, L., Rabinowitz, D., Pascucci, T., Puglisi-Allegra, S., Reichelt, K.L., Rodier, P.M., Persico, A.M. Biol. Psychiatry (2004)
- cDNA cloning and expression of the human NOBOX gene in oocytes and ovarian follicles. Huntriss, J., Hinkins, M., Picton, H.M. Mol. Hum. Reprod. (2006)
- Homeobox gene expression and mutation in cervical carcinoma cells. Hung, Y.C., Ueda, M., Terai, Y., Kumagai, K., Ueki, K., Kanda, K., Yamaguchi, H., Akise, D., Ueki, M. Cancer Sci. (2003)
- MicroRNA fingerprints during human megakaryocytopoiesis. Garzon, R., Pichiorri, F., Palumbo, T., Iuliano, R., Cimmino, A., Aqeilan, R., Volinia, S., Bhatt, D., Alder, H., Marcucci, G., Calin, G.A., Liu, C.G., Bloomfield, C.D., Andreeff, M., Croce, C.M. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (2006)
- Enhanced autophagic cell death in expanded polyhistidine variants of HOXA1 reduces PBX1-coupled transcriptional activity and inhibits neuronal differentiation. Paraguison, R.C., Higaki, K., Yamamoto, K., Matsumoto, H., Sasaki, T., Kato, N., Nanba, E. J. Neurosci. Res. (2007)
- Polyhistidine tract expansions in HOXA1 result in intranuclear aggregation and increased cell death. Paraguison, R.C., Higaki, K., Sakamoto, Y., Hashimoto, O., Miyake, N., Matsumoto, H., Yamamoto, K., Sasaki, T., Kato, N., Nanba, E. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2005)
- Refined mapping of a gene for autosomal dominant progressive sensorineural hearing loss (DFNA5) to a 2-cM region, and exclusion of a candidate gene that is expressed in the cochlea. Van Laer, L., Van Camp, G., van Zuijlen, D., Green, E.D., Verstreken, M., Schatteman, I., Van de Heyning, P., Balemans, W., Coucke, P., Greinwald, J.H., Smith, R.J., Huizing, E., Willems, P. Eur. J. Hum. Genet. (1997)
- Single-translocation and double-chimeric transcripts: detection of NUP98-HOXA9 in myeloid leukemias with HOXA11 or HOXA13 breaks of the chromosomal translocation t(7;11)(p15;p15). Fujino, T., Suzuki, A., Ito, Y., Ohyashiki, K., Hatano, Y., Miura, I., Nakamura, T. Blood (2002)
- The chromosome translocation t(7;11)(p15;p15) in acute myeloid leukemia results in fusion of the NUP98 gene with a HOXA cluster gene, HOXA13, but not HOXA9. Taketani, T., Taki, T., Ono, R., Kobayashi, Y., Ida, K., Hayashi, Y. Genes Chromosomes Cancer (2002)
- Molecular dissection of Meis1 reveals 2 domains required for leukemia induction and a key role for Hoxa gene activation. Mamo, A., Krosl, J., Kroon, E., Bijl, J., Thompson, A., Mayotte, N., Girard, S., Bisaillon, R., Beslu, N., Featherstone, M., Sauvageau, G. Blood (2006)
- 1 + 1 = r4 and much much more. Morrison, A.D. Bioessays (1998)
- Physical mapping of the HOXA1 gene and the hnRPA2B1 gene in a YAC contig from human chromosome 7p14-p15. Van Laer, L., Van Camp, G., Green, E.D., Huizing, E.H., Willems, P.J. Hum. Genet. (1997)
- Induction of the homeotic gene Hoxa1 through valproic acid's teratogenic mechanism of action. Stodgell, C.J., Ingram, J.L., O'bara, M., Tisdale, B.K., Nau, H., Rodier, P.M. Neurotoxicology and teratology (2006)
- Autosomal dominant B-cell immunodeficiency, distal limb anomalies and urogenital malformations (BILU syndrome) - report of a second family. Tischkowitz, M., Goodman, F., Koliou, M., Webster, D., Edery, P., Jones, A., Wilson, L.C. Clin. Genet. (2004)