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Gene Review


Arabidopsis thaliana

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Disease relevance of RPS4

  • RPS4, the closest homolog of CSA1, confers resistance to Pseudomonas syringae and complements the csa1 mutant phenotype, indicating that responses to pathogens and neighbors share core-signaling components in Arabidopsis [1].

High impact information on RPS4


Biological context of RPS4

  • The Arabidopsis RPS4 bacterial-resistance gene is a member of the TIR-NBS-LRR family of disease-resistance genes [4].
  • The characterization of RPS4 presented here thus establishes a role for TIR-NBS-LRR R genes in resistance to bacterial pathogens, and provides evidence for the model that dependence of R genes on EDS1 is determined by R protein structure, and not by pathogen type [4].
  • RPS4 is a disease-resistance locus on chromosome 5 of Arabidopsis thaliana specifying resistance to strains of Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato expressing avrRps4 [4].
  • Like other family members in different plant species, RPS4 produces alternative transcripts with truncated open reading frames [3].
  • All these data suggest that heterologous expression of an R gene can result in activation of cell death even in the absence of its cognate avirulence product, and provides a system for studying the RPS4 domains required for HR [5].

Regulatory relationships of RPS4

  • Expression of RPS4 in tobacco induces an AvrRps4-independent HR that requires EDS1, SGT1 and HSP90 [5].

Other interactions of RPS4

  • Previous work has shown that RPS4, like other Arabidopsis TIR-NBS-LRR R genes specifying resistance to oomycetes, is dependent on a functional EDS1 allele for disease-resistance signaling [4].
  • Incomplete splicing of the RPS4 mRNA was observed, which may give rise to truncated protein products consisting mainly of the TIR and NBS domains [4].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RPS4

  • The cloning of RPS4 and the previous isolation of avrRps4 provide the molecular tools for a genetic and molecular dissection of the TIR-NBS-LRR R gene signaling pathway in Arabidopsis [4].


  1. A Constitutive Shade-Avoidance Mutant Implicates TIR-NBS-LRR Proteins in Arabidopsis Photomorphogenic Development. Faig??n-Soverna, A., Harmon, F.G., Storani, L., Karayekov, E., Staneloni, R.J., Gassmann, W., M??s, P., Casal, J.J., Kay, S.A., Yanovsky, M.J. Plant Cell (2006) [Pubmed]
  2. The E3 ubiquitin ligase activity of arabidopsis PLANT U-BOX17 and its functional tobacco homolog ACRE276 are required for cell death and defense. Yang, C.W., González-Lamothe, R., Ewan, R.A., Rowland, O., Yoshioka, H., Shenton, M., Ye, H., O'Donnell, E., Jones, J.D., Sadanandom, A. Plant Cell (2006) [Pubmed]
  3. RPS4-mediated disease resistance requires the combined presence of RPS4 transcripts with full-length and truncated open reading frames. Zhang, X.C., Gassmann, W. Plant Cell (2003) [Pubmed]
  4. The Arabidopsis RPS4 bacterial-resistance gene is a member of the TIR-NBS-LRR family of disease-resistance genes. Gassmann, W., Hinsch, M.E., Staskawicz, B.J. Plant J. (1999) [Pubmed]
  5. Expression of RPS4 in tobacco induces an AvrRps4-independent HR that requires EDS1, SGT1 and HSP90. Zhang, Y., Dorey, S., Swiderski, M., Jones, J.D. Plant J. (2004) [Pubmed]
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