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Reversal Learning

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Disease relevance of Reversal Learning


Psychiatry related information on Reversal Learning


High impact information on Reversal Learning

  • The pentylenetetrazole and peptide treatments also improved reversal learning [6].
  • After 2 weeks of APP 17-mer peptide infusion, the animals were tested for reversal learning and memory retention and were sacrificed for morphological examination of brains [7].
  • Furthermore, during long-term retention and reversal learning, eNOS-/- mice showed improved performance [8].
  • Temporal relationship between sniffing and the limbic theta rhythm during odor discrimination reversal learning [9].
  • High level production of the pathogenic Abeta42 form of Abeta peptide was associated with an early impairment in TgCRND8 mice in acquisition and learning reversal in the reference memory version of the Morris water maze, present by 3 months of age [10].

Chemical compound and disease context of Reversal Learning

  • By contrast, the same medication impaired probabilistic reversal learning that implicates orbitofrontal cortex- ventral striatal circuitry, which is relatively spared of DA loss in PD [11].
  • Impairments of reversal learning and response perseveration after repeated, intermittent cocaine administrations to monkeys [12].
  • Effects of radiofrequency versus neurotoxic cingulate lesions on spatial reversal learning in mice [13].
  • This study used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the effects of acute tryptophan (TRP) depletion (ATD), a well-recognized method for inducing transient cerebral serotonin depletion, on brain activity during probabilistic reversal learning [14].
  • Physostigmine and donepezil, but not galantamine, ameliorated MK-801-induced deficits in spatial reversal learning and in contextual and cued memory in a dose-dependent manner [15].
  • SB 242084 improved reversal learning by decreasing trials and incorrect responses to criterion in Reversal 1, with significantly fewer perseverative responses [16].

Anatomical context of Reversal Learning


Gene context of Reversal Learning

  • Short-term PS1 inactivation in young PS1 cKO;APP Tg mice rescued deficits in contextual fear conditioning and serial spatial reversal learning in a water maze, which were associated with APP Tg mice [19].
  • Rab3a(-/-) mice showed normal acquisition but moderately impaired platform reversal learning in the water maze including reference memory and episodic-like memory tasks [20].
  • Therefore, our primary goal was to determine whether FAAH (-/-) mice, which possess elevated levels of anandamide and other FAAs, would display altered performance in four Morris water maze tasks: acquisition of a hidden fixed platform, reversal learning, working memory, and probe trials [21].
  • In the Morris water maze the p25 mutants were normal in learning an initial platform location, but surprisingly reversal learning was improved when the platform position was changed [22].
  • Thus, these results directly suggest that activation of PKC pathways in a specific hippocampal area alters rat auditory discrimination reversal learning [23].


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