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Substantia Innominata

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Psychiatry related information on Substantia Innominata


High impact information on Substantia Innominata


Chemical compound and disease context of Substantia Innominata


Biological context of Substantia Innominata


Anatomical context of Substantia Innominata


Associations of Substantia Innominata with chemical compounds

  • Lesions of the cholinergic cells in the ventral pallidum/substantia innominata induced by ibotenic acid, depending upon their size, had significant effects on the acquisition and performance of the discrimination, without affecting the latency to collect the pellets [18].
  • In the substantia innominata, clusters of small, globular GABA-immunoreactive somata were scattered among aggregates of larger, nonimmunoreactive neurons belonging to the nucleus basalis, and the whole region showed a low to moderate number of evenly spread GABA-positive terminals [19].
  • Switching to cue-directed behavior: specific for ventral striatal dopamine but not ventral pallidum/substantia innominata gaba as revealed by a swimming-test procedure in rats [20].
  • The authors then made large kainic acid lesions in the neostriatum to reveal the target areas of PPTB-producing neurons and observed a decrease in PPTB-immunoreactive fibers in the sublenticular portion of the substantia innominata and, to much lesser extent, in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and central nucleus of the amygdala [21].
  • Norepinephrine acts within select basal forebrain regions to modulate behavioral state and/or state-dependent processes, including the general regions encompassing the medial septal area, the medial preoptic area, and the substantia innominata [22].

Gene context of Substantia Innominata


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Substantia Innominata


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